So! There is rampant meme-ing on my friends list, so I thought I'd join in the fun! Unfortunately, the formatting screwed up, and most of the questions are not bold. Maybe I will go back and fix everything later.
ETA! I went through and fixed all of the bold-ing. And I am not going to try fixing anything else, so if you're going to read it SUCKS TO BE YOU.
ETA AGAIN! I forgot to add that I actually finished this last night but, as I am wont to do, forgot to post it.
Three names you go by
1. Huy.
2. As of Sunday, "Princess Sugarplum Arboreal Remix Go!"
3. There are no others.
Three parts of your heritage
1. Vietnamese.
2. Vietnamese.
3. Vietnamese.
I suppose it's highly unlikely to be completely Vietnamese, but I just don't know or care enough about my family to answer this question.
Three things that scare you
1. Dying of old age before I finish all of these memes.
2. Developing carpal tunnel syndrome or some other kind of RSD from all of these memes.
3. Becoming blind from staring at my computer screen while doing these memes.
Three of your everyday essentials
1. Reading.
2. Music.
3. Reading.
Three things you are wearing right now
1. Polo shirt. I suppose the colour could be described as celadon. Wow, that was gay.
2. Shorts. I'm at home, so shorts. You will not find me wearing shorts anywhere else.
3. Boxers. They are maroon.
Three things you need in a relationship (other than 'real love')
1. Attraction.
2. Humour. Lots of it.
3. Patience.
Two truths and a lie
1. I write sarcastic and/or comical answers to these questions because I am secretly scared of revealing myself to other people.
2. I totally flip out when things fly overhead - especially bats.
3. I am male.
Three PHYSICAL things about the opposite sex that appeal to you
1. Head. I like females to have heads.
2. Eyes. It makes me feel happy when girls have eyes on their head which can look at things. Sometimes they even look at me! That's how I know I'm special.
3. Mouth. This may make me some kind of mouth-ist, but if I girl does not have a mouth, I am completely turned off.
Three of your favourite hobbies
1. Reading! Everybody knows this.
2. Origami. Folding paper is absolutely fascinating and I can do it for hours. I am not joking when I write this.
3. Gigs/live music. I haven't been to many live music events, but I absolutely love it. Music is best when performed live.
Three things you want to do really badly right now
1. Fixing all of these titles, so that they don't have arbitrary capitals.
2. Go for a midnight walk.
3. Read a book.
Three places you want to go
1. Canada. The music, the snow, the hot accents.
2. Japan. Even though I have great personal objections to the language and a lot of the cultures.
3. Antarctica. That's if it's still there in the next couple of decades.
Three things you want to do before you die
1. Live overseas or far, far away from Brisbane.
2. Write a book. About something. And not hate it.
3. Finish university!
Three ways that you are stereotypically a girl/guy
1. Breasts enthral me.
2. ??
1. Moisturiser! And other similar things.
2. Boy crushes. Everyone, everywhere and all the time.
3. I...generally dislike sports? This is a stupid question.
Three things that annoy you
1. Incorrect basic grammar. Things like capitals, apostrophes, commas.
2. Inferiority (superiority?) complexes. And people who can't stand the thought that somebody may think they don't know some fact, no matter how obscure or esoteric it may be.
3. When people speak for me. When people think they know me/my habits/my thoughts/whatever so well that they can just answer for me pisses me off. Usually they're wrong, too.
Bunch of things
1) Who is the last person you high-fived?
I can't remember. I haven't high-fived somebody in a while. I'm not really a person who...expresses happiness.
2) If you were drafted into a war, would you serve?
I don't think I would. But I'm also scared that there's some part of me that wouldn't mind doing so.
3) Do you sleep with the tv on?
No. It's a waste of electricity.
4) Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton?
5) Have you ever won a spelling bee?
I came second or third in a class spelling bee in year four or five. Or was it year two? All I remember is that I spelt one word wrong: umbrella. I managed to get all of the hard ones and somehow misspelled 'umbrella'.
6) Have you ever been stung by a bee?
Yes! Four times in one hand, once. It sucked, since I am allergic to bees and all things that sting.
7) How fast can you type?
I'm not sure. Usually I'm around 75 words per minute when I'm typing out something from a book, but considerably faster when it's something like chatting online.
8) Are you afraid of the dark?
Sometimes I have a moment of complete irrationality. But it's only ever a moment, and usually after something else happens, like a nightmare or some strange sound waking me up.
9) What color are your socks?
Looking down at my feet and legs, I don't see any socks. So, invisible.
10) Have you ever made out at a drive-in?
There don't of any drive-ins in Brisbane. I know that there were two near my house when I was little, but they've since shut down. So, no, I have never made out at a drive-in.
11) When was the last time you chose a bath over a shower?
As in, when was the last time I went into a bathroom and asked myself whether I should have a bath or a shower, and then proceeded to have a bath? Not for years. Usually I'll plan to have a bath; otherwise it's always a shower.
12) Do you knock on wood?
13) Do you floss daily?
Yes! It is the best feeling ever. Except, I haven't flossed for the past couples of days because I forgot to tell my mother to buy some more. I FEEL SO DIRTY.
14) Do you wanna Fanta?
Do I "wanna Fanta"? I wasn't even aware that Fanta was a verb. If you mean, "Do you want a Fanta", then no, I don't drink softdrink.
15) Can you hula hoop?
I am an excellent hula hooper. Not good enough to get into the Australian Olympic Hula Hoop Team, though.
16) Are you good at keeping secrets?
Not really, no.
17) What do you want for Christmas?
I want a pile of books and CDs. Also, I want all of my favourite bands to tour next year.
18) Do you know the Muffin Man?
Yes, but I swear he said he was legal.
19) Do you talk in your sleep?
I used to when I was little. I'm not sure if I still do, but it's possible.
20) Who wrote the book on love?
Definitely not the person who wrote this meme.
21) Have you ever flown a kite?
No...I haven't. I haven't! I must now commit seppuku.
22) Do you wish on your fallen lashes?
No. I usually pull them out sadomasochistically (is that even a word?), giving me oh so much pleasure.
23) Do you whiten your teeth?
No. I really need to, though.
24) Can you smell what the Rock is cooking?
The Rock is probably cooking up some stupid movie where he'll once again demand to make-out with the other guy who provides comic relief to his surly, macho character.
25) Have you ever asked for a pony?
26) Have you, or would you ever, donate sperm/eggs?
I have never donated sperm. I would never do so, as well. My eggs, on the otherhand...
27) Can you juggle?
No. I am hopelessly uncoordinated.
28) Missing someone now?
30) Do the chickens have large talons?
It doesn't matter even if they do, since I am lethal with a bo stick. Gosh!
Where's 31?
32) Are you ready to rumble?
My stomach is ready to rumble. All I've fed it today is ice cream.
Where's 33?
34) Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?
Nope! I am proud of this, because there were a couple of times it almost happened.
35) How do you spell relief?
Were these questions dictated?
36) Have you ever crawled through a window?
Many, many times.
37) Have you ever eaten dog food?
I have never eaten dog food, to my knowledge.
38) Can you handle the truth?
39) Do you like green eggs and ham?
I have never read this book! Also, I'm vegetarian.
40) Who is your daddy?
My daddy is my daddy. Twenty years ago, he inserted his erect penis into my mother's vagina. They had sexual intercourse and my father ejaculated into my mother, impregnating her. I'm not sure what happened after that, something with a wizard, I think, but I was born months later!
[Shoe size]
Depending on country and shoe brand/type, 11-13.
[Parents still together]
Nope! They split up when I was little. And when I say 'split', I'm talking about my mother secretly taking me and only me away from the house in Sydney and splitting off to Queensland.
Eldest to youngest: Phung, Linh, Vu, (me), Jason.
Sadly, no pets. I used to have a puppy, and so did two of my sisters. I think they got killed shortly after they simultaneously attacked me.
Green. Blue.
Pi. 3.1415926535897932384626433238795. I wrote that from memory.
Puppies and dogs! Rabbits!
Water. Sometimes, tea.
No. I don't drink softdrink.
One Hundred Years of Solitude, Gabriel Garcia Marquez. Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, Lewis Carroll. Yeah, they're kind of mainstream, but they're goooood.
Tulips, gerberas, irises.
[Colour your hair?]
I used to, but no longer.
[Twirl your hair]
My hair isn't long enough to be able to have some really good twirling action.
No and no.
[Like roller coasters?]
I LOVE roller coasters.
[Wish you could live somewhere else?]
YES. I wish I could live far away from everybody I know in a place that I love.
[Own a web cam?]
No. Unfortunately, I own an older Apple laptop - Powerbook - which is one of the version previous to when Apple decided to make a camera standard to all laptops. BOO.
[Know how to drive?]
No! But I have a long established aversion to (read: hatred of) cars and, to a lesser extent, motorcycles.
[Own a cell phone?]
Yes, but I totally broke the charger with my big fat feet.
[Ever get off the computer?] I spend way too much time on the computer: reading, work, games, surfing, communicating.
[Considered a life of crime?]
Not seriously, no.
[Considered being a hooker?]
HA! Who would pay to have sex with me?
[Used someone]
That...sounds dirty. In any case, dirty or not, I have never set out with the purpose of using someone and then proceeded to do so. I suppose it's likely that I have used someone in or for some capacity some time in my life, but never maliciously so.
[Been used?]
Yes? No? I suppose my initial response would mean no, or at least not substantially been used.
[Been cheated on?]
Nope. For that, I'd have to be in a relationship first. And we all know that that will never happen. Am I right people?!
[Kicked someone in the nuts?]
Never! I have been kicked in the nuts too many times to ever do it to another guy. It's called learning a life lesson. A life lesson about testicles.
[Held a gun]
Never. Hopefully, I won't ever see or hold one.
[Current clothing]
Shirt and jeans. Shoes or thongs. Anything else is too much of a hassle.
[Current mood]
Apathetic, itchy, tired.
[Current taste]
What does this mean? I have no idea.
[What you currently smell like]
I don't know and I couldn't tell you, either. I have a greatly diminished sense of smell. I think I shoved something up my nose when I was little and it remained in my nostril for an extended period of time.
[Current hair]
The current length is good. Any longer and I'll go insane. It is my natural colour and I like it this way.
[Current thing I ought to be doing]
Constitutional assignment, international organizations essay, international organizations presentation, Australian foreign policy essay, international organizations essay. Then, dying.
[Current cd in stereo]
It's strange, but I don't have a stereo. I use my laptop for everything. The last CD I put in my laptop or a stereo was either No Cities Left by The Dears or Writer's Block by Peter Bjorn and John.
[Last book you read]
Darksong by Isobelle Carmody. I was in the mood for some fantasy. I'm almost finished Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, and I've started about three other books in the past four months that are still unread.
[Last movie you saw]
Tales From Earthsea. Visually and audibly stunning, but the plot/s were completely nonsensical.
[Last thing you ate]
Ice cream.
[Last person you talked to on the phone]
Voice: my sister Linh. Text: Brianna.
[Do drugs?]
[Remember your first love?]
Have I had one yet?
[Read the newspaper?]
[Have any gay or lesbian friends?]
A couple. I should probably have more gay guy friends or something, though.
[Have any straight friends?]
[Believe in miracles?]
Not really. Unexplainable events, yes, but not unexpected events caused by some divine being.
[Do well in school?]
I did okay. Obviously, I could have done better, but I did reasonably well.
[Wear hats]
Yes. Usually when my hair looks crazy, which is always.
[Hate yourself]
Not much.
[Have an obsession?]
I am obsessed with a couple of things.
[Collect anything?]
Books. That's really it.
[Have a best friend?]
"Best friend" is completely subjective. But yes, kind of.
[Close friends?]
Yes, a couple of them.
[Care about looks]
Yeah. But not to the extent where I would discount a person purely because of the way they look.
[Do you believe in love at first sight?]
[Do you believe in "the one?"]
Definitely not. I believe that there are many different people with whom you can have a deeply romantic relationship. But I also believe that factors such as age, health, money, sex, maturity and aims in life - short and long term - are more relevant to 'love' than we'd like to admit. Believing that there's one (subjectively) perfect person who is compatible with and right for you in every way is completely ridiculous. I suppose I'd be willing to believe that there are a couple of people who are compatible with and right for you in almost every way, though.
[Are you a tease?]
Pfft. I wouldn't know how to be a tease even if I wanted to be one.
[Too shy to make the first move?]
Probably. I would need a person who I wanted to make the first move on to verify this.
Yessss. So much.
In my head, yes. Out of my mouth, not really.
Am I an angel? Is that what you're asking? Then, no.
[Devil] Are these mutually exclusive? I don't understand the question, again. Did I just fail this exam?
Yes and no.
Yes. And no.
SO FAR, in the year 2007....
01. Have you had a gf or bf?
02. Have you had your birthday?
03. Gotten high?
04. Cried?
05. Had someone close to you pass away?
06. Pulled an all nighter?
Yes! Two for university assignments.
07. Drank Starbuck's?
Many, many times. Usually a green tea frappucino.
08. Went shopping?
A couple of times.
09. Went camping?
Like, 'camping' camping? Out in the woods, digging your own toilet 'camping'? Never in my life.
10. Been to the beach?
11. Made new friends?
Yes! But I don't know if they feel the same way!
12. Been out of state?
13. Visited a family member?
14. Gone snowboarding?
No! Is it possible to do it without snow?
01. Kissed someone?
02. Slept in a friends bed?
03. Snuck someone over?
04. Snuck out of your own house?
No. Completely unnecessary.
05. Gotten a Car?
06. Went over your cell phone bill?
07. Been called a bitch/asshole?
Not to my face. But I'm guessing that I have.
08. Drove somewhere?
Can't drive! I would die in a horrific car crash if I drove.
09. Been away from home for over 2 nights?
01. Thing you bought?
A pen and a lecture pad.
02. Person you hugged?
I can't remember. I don't mind hugging people, but other people hugging me makes me crazy (as in, mental, insane kind of crazy). I'm guessing it has something to do with being a control freak.
03. Person you talked to?
My brother? The last non-filial person would be...Bianca, at university. She's kind of a bitch.
04. Person to call you?
My sister Linh.
05. Last thing you said to someone?
My brother Jason: "You're being really loud. I can hear you from here."
Where are 06 and 07?
08. Last time you took a bath/shower?
HA! Yesterday, because I am a slob.
09. Last time you felt stupid?
I constantly feel stupid.
10. Last time you walked over 1 mile?
This week? Last week? I don't know! But I do know that one mile is equal to 1.609 km.
01. What is the phone maker?
This is such badly written question. My phone maker is Motorola.
02. What are the last 3 digits of your mobile number?
03. What does the second message in your inbox say?
I delete them randomly, but:
"That is upsetting. I understand your despair. HOWEVER, I believe you still have reason to live. Like, me. I'm really cool. And I'm working on my shapeshifting."
04. Who's the first person who comes up under the letter M?
Melinda Matair. I haven't seen her for two and a half semesters. I...hope she's okay?
05. Who's the last person you rang?
My sister Linh.
06. Who was your last missed call from?
Also Linh.
07. Who's the second person who comes up under D?
Frank Skinner. That would be my mother's husband.
08. What does the last message in your inbox say?
I'll just reiterate that I randomly delete my messages. Also, nobody messages me, but I think this is because I have no friends.
"new buffalo + jens lekman make my heart all achey."
09. Who's the third person who comes up under J?
Jeanette Bui - my cousin.
10. Go to your Sent Items - what does the fifth message say?
11. Who's the fourth person who comes up under S?
12. Who's your network provider?
Boost, which is really Optus.
13. How many messages are currently in your inbox?
14. What do you have as your background?
Some green, swirly Motorola background.
15. Who's the second person who comes up under R?
Reiman Hii. Ew.
16. Who do you have on speed dial 3?
I don't use speed dial, but my phone automatically assigns numbers to buttons. Number 3 is Rebecca Dervan!
17. If you're on prepaid, how much credit do you have?
Man! I had to call to check: $93.18 = $25 my credit + $68.18 my bonus. I don't understand what any of that means, but I have it!
18. Who's the first person who comes up under C?
Cameron Wright. Ew. To the max.
19. How many bars of signal do you currently have?
Four. Which is the max. Go Optus.
20. What do you have as your main ringtone?
Too Little Too Late by Metric. It used to be KC Accidental by Broken Social Scene, and I'm thinking of changing it tonight (or whenever I can be bothered editing the music file) to Peter Bjorn and John.
50 of the MOST Random Questions Ever.
1. Where were you 1 hour ago?
Sitting in exactly the same spot.
2. Who will be your next kiss?
I don't know. IT COULD BE YOU.
3. What is the largest amount of money you spent in one store?
I do not know!
4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
Pink highlighter!
5. When is the last time you went to the mall?
I often go to the city, but that's not really a mall/shopping centre. Two weeks ago!
6. Are you wearing socks right now?
No, I am bare foot.
7. Do you read your horoscope daily?
Pffft. As if.
8. When was the last time you drove out of town?
I have never driven anything other than a dodgem car. So, the last time would be never.
9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?
No. However, I have been in the last seven days.
10. Do you wax or shave?
Shave. Is it possible to wax your face?
11. What was the last thing you had to drink?
12. Who was your last kiss?
I am a gentleman! And, as such, I do not kiss and tell.
Okay, I'm lying. It was so long ago that my brain cannot remember.
13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?
I do not have a car!
14. Do you ever dance in public?
15. Where were you last week at this time?
Sleeping. At home. In my bed. Instead of doing my assignment.
16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?
Nooo because I am pooooor. Except, I did buy a book and some CDs WTF
17. When is the last time you ran?
Two weeks ago. I am very fat now.
18. What's the last sporting event you watched?
Swimming and diving on TV. I think it was the world championships. Anyway, heaps of hot guys.
19. What is your favourite class?
Criminal law, probably. Or, Australian Foreign Policy.
20. Your dream vacation?
I do not know! Somewhere pretty.
21. Last person's house you were in?
Not including my own, my sister's house.
22. How old are your parents?
My father is...I'm not sure! Around 50. And my mother is... 46. I think.
23. Are you in love?
Nope. I laugh at the thought that I would ever be in love.
24. How many times a day do you brush your teeth?
At least two, usually three, sometimes four or five.
25. Last play you saw?
I've never been to a play! I think this makes me an uncultured, ignorant philistine.
26. Did you ever want to be an astronaut?
Never. I've always known that it takes too much effort unless you really, really want it.
27. What are your plans for tonight?
It is Saturday, so: go for a run, eat junk food and watch The West Wing on ABC. It's the finale tonight, and I may or may not cry.
28. Who is the last person you sent a message to on LJ?
Sarah...I think. Or Stevana. I cannot be bothered checking.
29. Who was the last person to make you laugh?
The last person to make me laugh was a couple of days ago! Guy and me are almost the same person, and of course I find myself hilarious, so he made me laugh.
30. Ever go to camp?
In primary school. Four/five camp was heaps fun and six/seven was heaps angsty.
31. Were you an honor roll student in school?
We don't have honour roll systems in Australia. If we were to have them, I would definitely not be on one.
32. What do you want to know about the future?
As a consequence of current predictions that the world's oil discovery/production has hit its peak, will we run out of oil within the next 25-40 years? Also, I would like to know the impacts of climate change and if we have all died of famine or skin cancer.
33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?
Nope! I am stinky.
34. Are you hungry?
Not really.
35. Where is your best friend located?
In my head, in Beartato Land.
36. Who is your best friend?
Beartato, of course!
37. Do you have a tan?
I have a shirt tan! This is because I always forget to put sunscreen on my arms. Which is strange, since I am always worrying about melanomas. I am deathly pale underneath the clothes.
38. How old do you want to be when you have kids?
If I have kids, then I suppose late twenties/early thirties.
39. Have you got any names picked out?
Something beginning with a 'J' for one of them.
40. Would you rather stay inside when it's raining or go out in it?
I love the rain! I would rather go outside to play in it.
41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?
I'm going to assume this is talking about vehicular police stops. Never.
42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?
Yes, hasn't everybody? But I don't drink softdrink anymore.
43. Do you overthink?
If anything, I underthink. It is likely that this is why I didn't realise I was a homosexual with extra queer sauce until I was 17/18.
44. Do you like hot sauce?
Yes! I like it spicy.
45. Last time you took a shower?
Yesterday. So. Dirty.
46. Do you need to do laundry?
Nope! My laundry is all done!
47. What is your heritage?
Vietnamese. I've already done this question, haven't I?
48. Are you someone's best friend?
I don't think I am.
49. What's the weather like?
The weather is too hot for autumn! Hurry up, winter.
50. What do you think of the person who took this.
Billy is pretty cool! And so is Sarah! <3