The dead can dance to a distant drummer.

Jan 08, 2006 07:08

There's really only one purpose for this post. And that is ZOMBIES.

So upon finding the following picture of the boys, and especially when I looked at Tré, one thought immediately jumped into my head... "They're coming to get you, Barbara!"

It's a total Night of the Living Dead moment. It was already in black-and-white, and I didn't even have to mess with it. He just looks like that. Haha. Zombie!Boys.

I already posted all of this at g_d_assholes, but I'm re-posting it to my own journal because it's my journal and I can do whatever I want. Have I mentioned that I completely enjoy the gdass preoccupation with zombies? It's weird. It's random. I fucking love it.

Tell me they don't look like zombies waiting on their lunch to come wandering down the alley.

But there's more. Lots more? Much more!

haushinkaitlyn and I were actually talking about Billie, but I don't remember how we got to this point. Not that it matters how, the fact is we did. And I love that, too.

I want to zombify him, seriously. I have the makeup, I know how to do it.
Grenade DeCoeur:
well then, we'll just have to kidnap him. as long as i can be your assistant. "no, it'd be better if you took it off, you don't want to get makeup all over your nice shirt, do you?"
you're definitely my assistant. you'll prep him beforehand. clip his hair back if he hasn't cut it short again, get him to take his shirt off, strap him to the chair...I mean, what? who said that? somebody's saying stuff...
Grenade DeCoeur:
that's too much for my brain. clipping hair back = funny. strapping to chairs = hot. yeah, it just blew a fuse up there.
excellent. that's the new slogan. billie joe armstrong: fuse-blowing hot.

1* What is a zombie?
The living dead.

2* How does a person become a zombie?
By being attacked/bitten/killed by another zombie.

3* What do zombies drink?
Zombies have no use for liquids. It's solid flesh or nothin', buddy.

4* How smart are zombies?
They aren't. They're just awfully fucking persistent.

5* What is the average "life span" of a zombie?
A zombie can survive as long as it has fresh victims. Or until it falls apart.

6* How strong are zombies?
Strangely, zombies seem to become stronger than they were when they were living.

7* How do you stop a zombie?
Total bodily dismemberment.

8* What happens if you chop off a zombie's head?
Both the head and the body can still be alive! You have to dismember the corpse and/or destroy the brain. It's messy, but it's your only hope.

9* What's the weapon of choice when trying to kill a zombie?
A cricket bat, a chainsaw, a lawnmower, whatever gets the job done.

10* How can you protect your pets from zombies?
Most animals can quickly escape a zombie attack. Just watch out for yourself and your friends - it's human flesh that the zombies are really after.

11* Where is the best place to hide from a zombie attack?
You can hole up in a mall, a hospital, a bar, or a cabin in the woods, but there really is no "best place" to hide from zombies. Eventually, they will find you.


Ha! That was way too much fun. Super extra bonus points for anyone who finds the horror references. I'm a geek. Also, have I said "zombie" enough in this post? Zombiezombiezombie.

horror, green day

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