Um. Gratuitous crotch shot icon. Because Cat = perv.
Anyway. Stolen from Ashface and Kaaaitlyn.
1* Do you still talk to your first boyfriend/girlfriend?
Intermittently. We were kids, no hard feelings.
2* What should you be doing right now?
Getting ready for work, feh. I don’t wanna.
3* What kind of music did you listen to in elementary school?
The Beatles, mostly. Lots and lots of Beatles. But, I also discovered my boys in elementary school. (Though I didn't know it at the time, therefore the fandom didn't kick in until a couple years later.)
4* What is the best thing about your day today?
So far? Nothing. It’s gray, fucking cold, and I have to go to work while I’m feeling sick. Feh.
5* Do you enjoy Texas hold'em?
I suck at cards.
6* Are you against same sex marriage?
Don’t be a goddamn douchebag.
7* Have you been on a date in the past week?
Oh, fuck off.
8* Have you ever kissed someone you don’t like?
9* Quote an Nsync song lyric.
If you're in the mood and on the phone, here's what you do:
Leave a message, you know the kind I like to get back to
Boybands singin’ about cybersex. Heh. ...There is a darkness in my past that I don’t like to talk about. *snerk*
10* Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
Most of them are new. Most of my old friends moved, got married/had kids, and so on.
11* Do you own any furniture from Ikea?
I have a bookshelf-thingy that doesn’t actually hold books.
12* Do you like your parents?
Yeah, they’re great. For the most part.
14* What state are you from?
California. Knows how to party.
15* Tell us about the last conversation you had?
Over the phone with
khohen1, laughing like maniacs about Dirnt!, doing commentary for movies that don’t exist, totally perving on Tom Welling and quoting the usual comedians. Baaaaackseeeeat! Truuuunkspaaaace!
16* Where do you see yourself in one month?
Closer to getting the holy fuck out of dodge.
17* What is your favorite smell?
Right now? Men. Like a…like a nice sort of spicy, subtle scent of a man.
I need something to do.
Something else to do.
18* Do you consider yourself a clean person?
Clean, yes; Neat, no. Organization is not my strong suit.
19* What is the time and the outside temperature at the moment?
1:18 p.m. and fucking 36 degrees.
20* What are you doing tomorrow?
NOT going shopping.
21* Have you ever gone to therapy?
Not really. I went to a psychologist once, but all I did was take an IQ test. I'm not into the therapy thing. Something about paying someone to pretend to care about my problems just doesn't appeal to me.
22* Have you ever Played Spin the Bottle?
Once, and I got pounced on. It was a long time ago, and we were goony kids.
23* Have you ever toilet papered someone's house?
24* Have you ever liked someone but never told them?
25* Have you ever gone camping?
Yeah, and it sucked.
26* Have you ever had a crush on your brother's or sister's friend?
I don’t have any siblings.
27* Have you ever been to a nude beach?
Ick, no.
28* Have you ever drank Jack Daniels?
Yes, but I’ve only had it straight a couple of times. Shooters. Most of the time, I take mine in a tall glass with Dr. Pepper.
29* Have you ever had sex on the beach?
No, but it’s on my list of goals in life.
30* Have you ever had a stalker?
Hm. Sort of. I don’t know if it was technically stalking, but it sure was weird.
31* Have you ever been in love?
I will kill you.
32* Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
33* Have you ever laughed so hard you cried?
YES, I fucking love it when that happens! It's like seriously my favorite thing ever in life.
34* Have you ever gone to a party where you were the only sober one?
Yes. It sucked. Hanging out with a bunch of drunk people while sober is one hideous experience.
35* Have you ever been cheated on?
36* Have you ever met one of your myspace Livejournal friends?
khohen1. Goddamn, that was fun. I want to go back.
37* Have you ever felt betrayed by your "best friend"?
Yeah. We’re not friends anymore.
38* Have you ever lied to your parents?
Pff, when I was a kid.
39* Have you ever been out of the US?
Yes. Visited Mexico and Canada, lived in Japan for four years.
40* Have you ever thrown up from working out?
Working…out…? What is this “working out”…? Throwing up, now that I'm familiar with. Ew.
41* Have you ever gotten a haircut so bad that you wore a hat for a month?
No. Not even during the infamous Weedwhacker Nightmare of 2000.
42* Have you ever eaten 3 meals from 3 different fast food places in one day?
I'm not that fat.
43* Have you ever gotten so wasted you didn't remember stuff?
No. Even as drunk as I’ve ever been, I still remember everything.
44* Have you ever spied on someone you had a crush on?
Ew, no.
45* Have you ever seen your best friend naked?
No, but I did walk in on a friend’s 24-year-old (office boy) brother in the shower one morning.
It was an accident. You can’t prove it wasn’t.
Okay, I'll explain the Nsync thing. Several years ago, when I was in my senior year of high school, I got sucked into the online Nsync fandom through a friend. And it was seriously one of the most fun fandoms I've ever been in. There was this group of us that really didn't care about the music - in fact, most of us outright hated it - we just thought of Nsync as these cute little puppies that looked goofy and sang sappy and were oh-so-easy to mock. But we mocked out of love! I do remember some running jokes, one about Lance (you know, the blonde girly-looking one) hording lipgloss, one about JC (the taller, gawky dark-haired one) being a crackhead, and one about Joey (dude with the goatee) being a total manwhore. And Timberlake's hair; styling by ChiaPet. Chris, the oldest, we more or less left alone. He had a sense of humor and totally saw the ridiculousness of being in a boyband. He mocked his own group. We felt he was one of us. Heh. We had a lot of fun. Good times. That little bunch of us pretty much disbanded over the past couple of years, but not without my first getting a couple of them hooked on a little band I know called Green Day. And that was before the eyeliner, even.