So random I can't even think of a subject line.

Sep 20, 2005 13:50

There's this radio promo on ye olde local alternative station with Billie and the Mikeness speaking slow-ly-and-ro-bot-i-cally in monotone unison, and they still can't get it quite right. One of them will say a word and the other will be a half-second off. Fuck almighty, they're adorable. It comes up at times just before a Green Day song is played. It was on today at like 4 a.m. and I had a moment of, "Do I turn it, or not turn it...'cause it's going to be 'Boulevard' and I hate the stupid radio edit." (Aaaaaand I had American Idiot in my car at the time; if I wanted to hear "Boulevard", I could've heard "Boulevard".) But NO, caped crusaders, it was "She". Yes. I squeaked. I hiked up the volume to a ludicrous level. I sang along. I rolled down the windows even though it was cold and drove with the wind whipping my hair all over the place and the music saturating the air. And when it was all over, I slowed down, rolled up the windows, put the heater back on and sighed the happy fangirly sigh of bliss. Oi, that felt good.

edit: Oh my god, I just realized how orgasmic that sounded. Hm, what can I say. The boys have a myriad of effects on me.

And then I remembered that I also had Kerplunk! in the car, and put that on. Skipping first to "Dominated Love Slave" before playing any other song, as is a personal tradition.

To my credit, I never said I wasn't a dork.

Oh. Cue the fangirly squeak. I fucking have to have this. But first I need to get some...what do you call

It's cold and cloudy. All the leaves are brooooown, and the sky is graaaaay...I hate that song. I'm severely tempted to go get a pumpkin spice latte right now.

It has come to my attention that the reason people don't talk to me is not so much because they think I suck, but because they think I'm going to eat them. Or something. Apparently I'm "unapproachable" and I give off a "don't bother, I'm only going to hate you" vibe. Uh huh. Who told me this? The few friends bold enough to brave my company, apparently...and The Mom. Which really, let's be honest, is funny. When your own mother tells you you're distant and aloof, goddammit, that's hilarious. I still think it's because I suck, but I do hate people. Perhaps they have a point.

You know how some people start decorating for Christmas in November? I start decorating for Halloween in September. And I don't take my stuff down until December. I don't decorate for any other holiday. Halloween is my holiday. This is my time of year, oh yes it is. My birthday's in October. Pumpkins and spice and cinnamon and that snap in the air. Leaves changing colors, spooky fun stuff and long-sleeved shirts and comfortable sweaters. I love Autumn.

I'm going to go get that latte.
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