May 12, 2008 21:08
So, that Pac-Man yo-yo I was talking about yesterday... This morning I had Jen drop me off in downtown Camden because I had some time before I had to be at work, and I thought a little walk would be nice. And would also give me a chance to showcase some yo-yo skills in a wide open area! I had just walked past the old MBNA building, nailed Shoot the Moon and was going for a fast Around the World, when at the peak of the orbit the yo-yo broke free of its string, soared 15 feet ahead of me in a glorious arc, and smashed apart on the sidewalk!!! "Oh NO!" I said, and rushed forward to find the pieces. Luckily it didn't go into the road or it might have gone hit a car or even worse been hit BY a car! Both clear plastic covers had shot off and both holographic images had fallen out. I found them all and snapped them back together again. I guess this yo-yo is in fact not as well fixed as I had stated in my last entry. It still eats through strings. It must have something to do with the core, but it cannot be taken apart to examine closely. I am thinking about running some very find grade sandpaper over the metal core to get rid of any barbs, but I don't know if this will simply rough up the rest of the spinning surface. So on the one hand I really want to keep using this yo-yo, since it is the best, but on the other hand I don't want to risk losing it forever! What is one to do??