Mr. Postman, do you have a letter for me? A letter for me from my one true love, lost at sea.

Jul 31, 2008 14:29

The Free Will Horoscope for Scorpios for this week:

Don't just shamble down to the pizzeria and gobble a slab of greasy cheese, tomato sauce, and dough. Instead, arrange for an interesting person who likes you to home-deliver a pizza lovingly prepared by a gourmet chef. For that matter, Scorpio, don't tolerate mediocrity or the lowest common denominator in any area of your life. The Season of the Peak Experience is here -- a time when you have a sacred duty to give your best, commune with the highest, and ask for excellence.

Whether or not you think divination of this sort is bunk, this is a fantastic bit of advice for me right now. The opening metaphor applies literally and directly to my diet and the rest of it gets me all worked up about Craft, my new job, and of course, my imminent return to the Peak Experiences climbing gym.

I'm in a genuinely amazing place in my life and it's good to be reminded of that.

climbing, horoscopes, work, public, things that make me happy, pagan

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