Oct 04, 2004 17:40
wooohooo im so freggin hyper ahhhhhhh and ahhhhh schmoack ahahhahahaha grrr twitch sahra not sara z bc i love you man lol but twitch to the other sahra argh but whatever well today i went to school exciting huh noo not really but whatever ummm i got charcole all over my hands ahahah it was fun no not really im jsut really really hyper i need some caffine man yesterday i did tons of landury omg i didnt know i had so many freggin clothes ahaha i rule you face ahahahah i need a car ahh i cant wait im supposed to have one before Christmas ooh i hope i get one soon ahhhh its going to be so sweet and i can finally charge others for gas money ahh the power ill have over you fools ahahah man im getting so ticked about a certain something thats been going on grr twitch rabbid dog face ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh thats kinda scary ahahahah ya know what im talkign about jackie ahahahhhhhhhhhhhaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaahahahaha man we so have to hit up those certs soon yup yup yup yup yup yup okay kids now im gonna bitch 1 im so sick of freggin people that are blind to others and think they rule everyones face because you know what kids here's a lesson to write down and dont ever forget it I RULE EVRYONES FACE ahahah jk or am i ahahha okay okay enough with the bs but really i am oh and then this whole election bs is really getting lame i say down with bush and kerry and naddar and in with me or whoever i find to be fit to do the job well in the best intrest of america and not in the best intrest of their selves argh argh 3rd school bs this homework crap is getting out of hand wtf teach do you enjoy makeing sure i dont have a life look if i dont undersatnd in class then chances are im not going to at home where i have no one to help me and then when i do understand in class chances are im not going to all of a sudden not anymore i mean come on we go to school for like 7hrs during the school and then atleast 2hrs of homework this is seriously bs and i think it should be changed also i think the school should take questioniers of who each individual student learns and put them in a class where the teacher teaches that way if this were to be done i think it would only be logical that scores would improve bc the student can make a conection with what is being tought instead of sitting there listening to blah blah blah when i learn best with hands on or q&a when i want to ask a question not just when the teach feels like taking freggin questions because by then the whole thought process of what i wanted to know is gone 4th just argh on everyone for now all though i started going to youth group again and that was fun ...............