Chocolate + Peanut Butter = OMG

Mar 15, 2010 20:43

Today I made up these crazy simple deserts. Now you should make them too!

OMG Cups
Serving size: Personalized. Prep time: 25 mins. Fridge time: 3 to 6 hours if you can resist that long.

* 1 standard (11.5 oz) bag of chocolate or carob chips
* 1/4 and 1/4 cup soy milk
* 1 1/2 cup peanut butter of preference
(For best results, use peanut butter that is actually mashed peanuts -- not Jif or Skippy "peanut butter" which have added SUGAR (WTF?) and trans fats (WTF?!), or even just oil. Peanuts are very oily and do not need extra oil)

* Cupcake tray
* Foil cupcake liners
* Double broiler OR two pots, one large, one small
* Rubber/Silicone scraper
* Fridge

1. If you have a double broiler, double broil the chocolate & soy milk. If not, get out two pots: A small one with non-stick surface, and a bigger one that the small one can fit mostly inside of (excluding the handle). Fill the bigger one up with water so that you can comfortably hold the 2nd pot so that the bottom of it touches the water. The goal here is to get the 2nd pot heated vicariously; putting it straight on the burner would result in scorching. Ew!

2. Start the water boiling in the larger pot.

3. While waiting, take the smaller, non-stick pot and pour in half of the bag of chocolate/carob chips, and 1/4 cup of soy milk.

4. Once the water is boiling, turn the heat down to medium or medium-high, just enough to sustain the boil. Hold the 2nd pot over the boiling water, so that the bottom of the pot is touching the boiling water. You can submerge it partially if you want, but you're going to have to keep holding it because you need to stir the chips constantly with a rubber or silicone scraper (nothing metal or wood as it will scratch the non-stick pan). Wait about 15 seconds for the chips to start melting. It can be hard to tell if they're melted because they will maintain their chip form until touched.

5. Stir constantly until you have a smooth chocolate goo with no chunks.

6. Use scraper to splat desired amount into the cupcake liners in the cupcake tray. This is the bottom layer of chocolate, so decide how thick you want it. You can either make a few huge cups with really thick layers, or a bunch of smaller ones, or any variation. Use the scraper to get all the chocolate out.

7. Now it's peanut butter time. Add about 1 1/2 cups of peanut butter to the non-stick pot (you can add more than that, or less, depending on taste preference). Do the same as with the chocolate, stirring constantly until the peanut butter is a smooth, creamy goo, with no chunks (other than the nuts it has if it's chunky peanut butter).

8. Scrape the peanut butter in desired quantities into each chocolate'd cup. It may seem messy, but after being refrigerated for a few hours they'll be juuust fine. Use the scraper to create an even layer, if you'd like.

9. Make sure you still have enough water, as some may have boiled away.

10. Time for chocolate again. The rest of the chocolate chips + 1/4 cup soymilk; stir until smooth.

11. Scrape the final chocolate layer onto each cup, on top of the peanut butter. Use the scraper to cover the visible peanut butter completely, if desired. You can get fancy and try to make peanut butter swirls through the chocolate. Mess around. You can't go wrong, really.

12. Refrigerate the cups in their tray for 3 to 6 hours. Of course, if you can wait longer, you can leave them in there overnight, or several days, if you're masochistic.

13. Slowly bite into a cup. Chew for a moment, then stop and stickily mutter "OH MY GOD" before mentally retreating into a euphoric haze of peanut butter and chocolate.

14. Awaken from haze partially naked, chocolate slathered across your face and peanut butter in your hair.

15. Repeat steps 13 through 15.

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