Feb 19, 2011 21:04
Two things!
First, Tony tends to attract supernatural shit. It happens around him because he's a wizard, and supernatural beings are drawn to him for the same reason. If a male supernatural being is gay or bisexual, odds are, they think Tony's hot. If anyone wishes to play with either of these things with their applicable characters, I am all for it. XD
Related, Tony is very sensitive to supernatural crap - he's not infalliable and all-knowing, but he can often tell when something's weird about people. Sees ghosts, picks up on the link between a person and their demon master, knows what he's seeing when someone eats a soul in front of him, etc, etc. If there's something unusual about your character that you want Tony to pick up on, drop me a comment!
Second, Tony is a massive TV and movie geek. If it's from the US, Canada, or the UK, and aired in 2006 July 2009 or earlier, odds are really good Tony's seen it. If you play a character from a show or movie that fits, drop me a line here with whether or not it's cool for Tony to recognize you, please!
information gathering,