Okay, so. The Blood-Smoke series don't have any deinite years they happen in. The only way to determine when they happen (and what period of time they happen over) is to look for cultural references and the occasional month reference.
So. Let's start with Plood Price, then look at Smoke and Shadows and Smoke and Ashes.
In Blood Price, which was published in '91 and is set in the early '90s by the technology, the Toronto Maple Leafs are losing big. Again. This places Blood Price in '90, '91, maybe early '92, since after that, the Leafs started pulling out of their decade-long slump. Tony is 19.
In Smoke and Ashes, Tony and Leah talk about the movie Kinsey, and Tony comments that Liam Neeson got "screwed in the Oscars that year," indicating that it's been at least a year since those Oscars (or else he would have said 'this year'). Kinsey came out in November '04, meaning it would have been up for nomination for the '05 Oscars. That means it's at least '06. The book ends at the start of November, and there's a reference to the "last six months" building up to Tony and Lee's first kiss when they're both in their right minds, indicating that Smoke and Shadows is set in May.
In Smoke and Shadows, Tony is 24.
Wait, what?
Yeah, you heard me. He's 19 somewhere between '90 and early '92, and 24 in May of '06. Clearly, the answer is aliens.
Which don't actually feature in any of the Blood or Smoke books, so I'm going to readjust the timeline to actually make sense in an alien-less world. Cool with you? Good.
So, in my timeline, the Smoke series is set in '06. Smoke and Shadows is six months prior to Smoke and Ashes; in Smoke and Ashes, it's October, book ends just after the start of November. Therefore, Smoke and Shadows is in May. At the start of Smoke and Shadows, Tony say it's been eighteen months since he moved out of Henry's place.
May 06' minus 18 months is November '04. So Tony moved out of Henry's condo in November of '04.
At the start of Smoke and Shadows, Tony also says that prior to that, he was with Henry for four years. Since he's 19 in the first Blood book, he's definitely talking about the ENTIRE time he and Henry have had anything together, not just the period after they moved to Vancouver and were more or less exclusive (aside from Henry needing to snack on other people because one person just can't safely provide enough blood to support a vampire). So he and Henry met in '00. Therefore, the first Blood book happens in 2000, by the New Adjusted Timeline. (s-sigh)
Blood Price, April 2000.
Blood Trail is in August 2000.
Blood Lines is October 2000
Blood Pact starts in April 2001 - which actually works with a specific date given in the book, that April 9th is a Monday. In 2001, April 9th was a Monday (the last time it was a Monday was 1990)! The final scenes are in June 2002 ('14 months later').
Blood Debt is in either April or September, based on sunrise/sunset times, and Tony has been living in Vancouver with Henry for two years - but one year of that is the 1-year timeskip before the last scenes of Plood Pact, so it should be 2003.
This is slightly awkward because in Blood Debt, Tony makes the decision to move out, which doesn't mesh with the four years with Henry/18 months apart thing! It would mean three years with Henry, and another 12 months added to the 18 months for 30 months. Even assuming that he waited until November to actually move out (because it took time to find a place, whatnot) that would only add 2 or 7 months to his time with Henry, not nearly enough to make up that year. Therefore, I'm going to fudge an extra year in between Blood Pact and Blood Debt, setting Blood Debt in 2004. This makes it add up much more neatly. I will also say it happens in September, and Tony stays with Henry for two more months while he gets himself ready to move out, making the 18 months add properly. The excuse I'm using for the extra year is, Tony didn't live with Henry and Vicki during Vicki's year in Vancouver, since there would have been a risk of her losing control and killing him before she finished developing fully as a vampire; he spent most of his time helping them out, but he didn't actually live with them. He moved in with Henry after Vicki went back to Toronto.
Then Smoke and Shadows is in May 2006
Smoke and Mirrors is August 2006
Smoke and Ashes is October 2006
EDIT: There is now a short story out, called See Me.
See Me is set some time after the end of Smoke and Ashes - Darkest Night is filming its 4th season, and Tony and Lee have been together for "over two years." A scene puts it in "late fall" which makes timing awkward; the first season of Darkest Night had just wrapped up production right on schedule at the end of Smoke and Ashes, which was right at the start of November '06. That is also when Lee and Tony got together. Now, mid-to-late November of '08 could explain the "over two years" bit, but being in filming of Season 4 in late November of '08 is harder! Assuming one season a year, filming on the same schedule, it should be November '09, and they've run past schedule, and Tony and Lee would have been together for just over three years. Assuming two seasons a year, it should be spring '08, not fall '08, and Tony and Lee haven't been together for a full two years yet.
Basically, once again, the timeline is borked.
To solve this one, I'm going to say it's mid-to-late October '09 - Tony and Lee have been together for "over two years" because it's not yet three, that CAN count as 'late fall', though it's a bit of a stretch, and it fits within a sane filming schedule that more-or-less matches the schedule they followed for the 1st season. So. THERE. Sob.
But that's not all!
The timeline, obviously, isn't the only thing still borked; Tony's age still doesn't line up right, even with the fixed timeline. If he's 19 in April in 2000, when he meets Henry (Blood Price: "He wasn't exactly a snitch, more a barometer really, hooked into moods and feelings, and although he never mentioned specifics, he'd pointed her in the right direction more than once. He was nineteen now. He'd been fifteen when she first brought him in." Smoke and Shadows: "Henry Fitzroy, writer of moderately successful romance novels, had taken Tony Foster, a nineteen-year-old street kid into his home, his bed, his heart.") then in May '06 he should be at least 25.
Smoke and Shadows, set in May '06: "He'd fought against the darkness -- not metaphorically. Well, helped . . . he was twenty-four years old, for Christ's sake!"
Er. Aliens.
But then there's also a line from Smoke and Ashes, about a conversation he had in bed with Henry, post-sex: "So Tony'd told him. Hell, he was eighteen. Revenge had seemed like a good idea."
But didn't you not meet Henry until you were nineteen, Tony? :|a
So, what I've decided to do is, I'm also adjusting Tony's age to make the most sense: which is to say, making him eighteen when he met Henry in April 2000. This would enable him to be 24 in May '06! I'm placing his birthday towards the end of August (Blood Trail: "He dropped that bombshell with all the studied nonchalance a young man of almost twenty could muster."), and thus he's 25 in camp, since he's taken from November '06 28 in camp because he's taken from mid-to-late October '09.
That makes his birthday sometime in August 1981; I'm putting the date as the 26th, because I want him to be in the Leo/Virgo cusp, and he's more Virgo than Leo. At least, by my estimation.
OKAY. Sorted!