I've been writing song lyrics / poems since i was 12. This type of creative writing seems to describe what place the soul is in, what the mind is thinking, and what the heart is feeling. It's odd, but it's like my "creative" life was born. It's like my "creative life" has it's own genesis. It's like i can look back and what i see in my imagination is the birth of my soul. (I've been the creative type all my life actually, excelling at drawing, coloring, scripting, imagining, etc. even early on in my childhood).
I was 13 when i kept my first journal. I was writing about Manton church camp in Michigan, the first time i had vacationed since i was a child (born and raised in TN). At the end of that week, my family visited with my mom's friend's family...and i fell in love that summer. And it was the most sobering, adult, sincere kind of love, make no mistake about it. It changed everything about me. And so there were a few times i would journal about that.
And so i've "always" been a writer.
Skip forward to college.
My freshman year i met, best friended, and eventually dated a very awesome girl. She had a Xanga that she used to connect with the life she had back home. I had no one to connect with back home, at least not through means of the web. (This was 2004, Myspace was meaningless and Facebook was unknown and only just being formed). And so the thought never occurred to me to have an online journal. But then -- i can't remember why or when (except if i had to guess i would say after her and i had broken up and i was looking for any way at all to stay connected to her) -- i created a Xanga account. I guess i used it because i knew from previous experiences how cathartic journaling can be...but mostly because i didn't want to be cast aside by her and be forgotten or uncared for. I knew her Xanga friends back home meant the world to her, and i hoped...if i could just be a part of that...
The theme for Xanga was a sense of community.
And so the ONLY reason i got a Live Journal account was based on interaction with an ex-girlfriend whom i was then in love with. But being the creative type i am, i tried to make the best of it. I made it a theme to always explore the truth in the circumstances of my writings. At the top of my page you'll see "The TRUTH of it is..."
Skip forward (trust me, it did not go well) to over a year ago.
A great friend of mine quits Facebook. Now he only uses Google-based social networks (gmail, G+, Blogspot, etc). His friendship is worth the effort for me to create a G+ account. I ONLY use G+ to connect with him and still have no clue how it works, haha! I noticed he has a Blogspot. I'm not at all interested in creating one for myself -- after all, i have 2 online journals that i don't keep. After reading his posts and commenting under a guest account, i then became interested in creating one for myself. Heh :-)
As usual, i sensed a theme for my blog and i try to use it only as i intended to: a creative, insightful, intelligent, thought provoking, discussion based blog. And i like it. I should have tons and tons of posts on it because of all the crazy-wise, insightful ideas i've had over the past year. Unfortunately, those ideas came to me during work on my 3rd shift job and there was no way i could write them down or remember much of them. But it's nice, cuz every time i go back to read my posts, i'm reminded of the "phase" i went through when i was truly bombarded by many great insights.
All this to say, feel free to read, comment, and discuss on my blog: