SuRvEy ii qOt FrOm Sam!!

Aug 15, 2004 01:16

ThE bAsICs
o1. fuLL name: kRysTaL C. Lewiis ((ii fuqqiin hate muh middLe name so lets keep dat hidden! LmaO))
o2. biRthdaii: Feb. 19, 1990
o3. biRthstate: cOnnecticut
o4. biRtht0wn: D*bLoCk!
o5. h0spitaL: Danbury hOsPiiTaL
o6. aqe: FoUrTeEn
o7. sex: ThOnqz ` BeLLy Riinqz
o8. thRee woRds 2 descRibe y0u: wiiLd ` OuTqOiinq ` TaLkaTiive...dun wanna qet conceited =)
o9. weiqht at biRth: uuhhmm..ii dunno!
1o. weiqht n0w: 1o4...ii havent been eatin much...use 2 be 110
11. time oF biRth: my m0m sed s0mtyme r0und midnite..LoL
12. heiqht: . 5"4
13. eye coLoR: naturaLLy brown...buh qray, purple, blue, hazel, or qreen LoL
14. tan/paLe/bLack/mixed: mixed? LoL
15. race: half white half black
16. heRitaqe: jAmAiCaN! whoOo!
17. haiR coLoR: brown
18. natuRaL haiR coLoR: Brown
19. kind oF haiR: REALLY curly
2o. haiR lenqth: lil past my shoulders
21. sh0e size: 8
22. shiRt size: x small =)
23. pant size: 38...ii dont wear american pants =)
24. pieRcinq: belly button only
25. tatt0os: nahh buh ii want one!!
26. skooL: DhS!
27. qRade skooL: 9th - FaBuLoUs FrEsHmAn!
28. cLass oF: 2oo8
29. spoRts pLayed n0w: haha yeah rite
3o. spoRts pLayed in the past: cheerleadinq
31. pets: . 2 katz ---» Lexie ((mine)) and Leo ((delano*z))

rand0m inf0.
o1. paRents names: Lisa and Ron
o2. coLoR haiR uR m0theR has: blonde
o3. coLoR haiR uR fatheR has: bLack
o2. paRents occ: m0m takez care of old people and daddy workz with computerz!
o3. kind oF caR u have: ii*m 14! lol nah yet..3 yrz
o4. sibiLinqs/names: DeLanO and RoLandO
o5. live with: m0mmy and daddy LoL
o6. h0w many ro0ms R in uR h0use: 3 bEdrOoMs 1 kitchen 1 living room 1 bathroom
o7. coLoR theme oF uR Ro0m: maro0n and qreen
o8. coLoR oF caRpet: brown
o9. ro0m size: mEdiuM
1o. bed size: queen
11. sheet coLoRs: qreen with flowerz
12. h0w many piLLows: 3
13. fuRnituRe in uR ro0m: Bed, Chair, Computer Desk, Dresser...
14. kind oF puteR: ViewSonic buh ii*m qettin a gateway
15. m0ney in bank acc0unt: haha yeah rite
16. posteRs in ro0m: 50 cent...buh ii*ma qet rid of em

d0 y0u noRmaLLy (moRe oFten then n0t):
o1. ask oR answeR questi0ns? both
o2. bathe in tha moRnin oR at nite? doesnt matter
o3. c0nveRse oR paRticipate in awkwaRd siLence? ii alwaiiz qot suttiin 2 say...dun worry..LoL
o4. taLk oR listen? talk...ii have listenin problemz LoL
o5. dRess up oR dRess d0wn? dress up?
o6. stay up late oR qet 2 bed eaRLy? stay up late...ii dun qo 2 bed til 5 am!
o7. qet what y0u want oR qet what y0u deseRve? qet waht ii want!! OR ELSE!
o8. qet attenti0n oR qive uR attenti0n? qet attention or else
o9. stand 0ut oR bLend in? stand out
1o. qive a hand oR hands 0ut?? waht d fuqq? LoL
11. listen 2 musik oR watch tv? l2m
12. win oR Lose? win!
13. pLan oR foLLow thRu? doesnt matter
14. smiLe oR cRy? both
15. qet up eaRLy enuFF 2 see sunRise? hahaha ii qo 2 sleep durin sunrise
16. use b0oks oR inteRnet 4 reseaRch? internet!
17. sinq it oR hum it? sinq it
18. styLe uR haiR oR juss whateveR? style mostly...buh sometiimes wutever
2o. visit oR have peopLe oveR? doesnt matter
21. eat oR skip bReakfast? eat...shit ii*m alwaiiz hunqry!
22. co0k meaL oR q0 out 4 one? dependz...if its apple bees or momz tacos! lol
23. dRive oR qet dRiven? driven by my daddy buh he*z beiin a bitch rite now!
24. d0 what you had pLanned? nah really my dad alwaiiz ruinz it!
25. attend or skip class/work? attend class...ii cant afford 2 skip! haha siike
26. act like yourseLf oR act appRopRiately? myself...witch iis CRAZY!
27. lauqh oR get lauqhed at? both
28. induLge oR abstain? damn biq wordz!
29. heLp otheRs oR heLp y0uRseLf? myself...ii*m a selfish bitch! siike both
30. eat what's g0od foR y0u oR eat what tastes g0od? eat waht taste qud! shit bacon all d fuqqiin way!!

o1. smoked a ciqqaRRette: nahh nd neva wiLL!
o2. sm0ked a ciqaR: nahh nd neva wiLL!
o3. snoRted c0ke: nahh nd neva wiLL!
o4. sm0ked weed: nahh nd neva wiLL!
o5. been hiqh: nahh nd neva wiLL!
o6. had sex: no =)
o7. said "i h0pe y0u die" t0 s0meone: hell yeah!! all d time
o8. Tried to kill yourself: maybe
o9. q0tten in a fist fiqht: hahah with my best friend
1o. lied 2 uR paRents: hell yeah everyday
11. bRoken a b0ne: my foot iin 3 places
12. lied 2 uR fRiends: all d tiime! haha only 2 protect!
13. bit sumone: haha YUPP!
14. bunqee jumped: nope buh ii went on a slinq shot wit Jen in FL!! whoo!
15. been skydivin: n0pe...atleast not yet! LoL
16. q0tten dRunk: nahh nd neva wiLL!
17. q0tten totaLLy wasted: nahh nd neva wiLL!
18. qiven sumone a bRuise: haha yeah
19. skinny dipped: no...atleast not yet =)
2o. dRiven iLLeqaLLy: nOpe
21. ditched sumone: yeah
22. fReaked dance: waht? booty dance? yupp!
23. sh0plifted: nOpe
24. cut uRseLf: yupp
25. skipped skooL: nahh nd neva wiLL!
26. hunq up on sumone: yupp so many tiimes
27. q0ne command0: waht d fuqq iis qud wit deez biiq wordz!?
28. thRown up at skooL: nahh
29. made uR seLf thRow up: nahh
3o. fLashed s0me0ne: nahh buh ii diid somtyn different...SHH LAURA!! LmaO
31. d0ne anythinq sexuaL: hehehehehehehe!!!
32. had a buRpin contest: soo many tiimes
33. snuck out: haha yeah!! lmao court! nd qot chased by d copz!
34. been 2 a skooL dance: yeah
35. th0uqht uR teacheR was h0tt: uuhhm yeah...
36. had a eatin disoRdeR: if u call eatiin alot and never qettiin full den yes
37. had sex: wh0a iis der an echo? daz number 6
38. had an onLine reLationship: nOpe
39. had cybeR sex: maybe =)
4o. taken nude pics of uRseLf: hell no...chad = NO!!! lol
41. had suRqeRy: nahh
42. seen a theRapist: nOpe buh ii need one LoL
43. faLLen d0wn in fRont oF alot of peopLe: uuhh yeah
44. buRped loudeR then a quy: hahaha hell yeah!!
45. d0ne a spLit: yeah buh ii started eatin nd qot lazy and now ii cant! tear tear
46. been on cheeRleadin squad: yeah
47. pLayed spin the bottLe: oh hell definetly yes!!
48: qRinded: booty danced? yeah!

ThE PaSt
o1. any q0od memoRies fROm this yeaR? yeah wen haylee and morqan were alive!
o2. any bad memoRies fRom this yeaR? uuhhmm kissin my friendz boyfriend, qoiin out wit some loserz!, fitin courtney! lmao, qettin qrounded 4 3 months!, omq 2 much 2 name!!
o3. d0 u reqRet anythanq fRom this yeaR? oh yeah
o4. d0 u reqRet anythanq u've eva done? oh yeah
o5. wh0 was uR fiRst b0yfRiend? frum this yr? ii have no iidea...
o6. did u eveR have bRaces? nOpe
o7. did you ever suck your thumb? nOpe..loL
o8. what coLoR haiR did u have as a kid? brown
o9. what was your first word? who d hell n0ez
1o. h0w did uR paRents name u? my mom wanted destiny buh my dad sed krystal

* cuRReNt tHiinG
o1. cuRRent musik: ii love dem hoez by eamon!
o2. cuRRent cd in cd pLayeR: wh0 n0ez where dat shit went!
o3. cuRRent conveRsations: RoO!
o4. cuRRent time: 1:09
o5. cuRRent cLothes: peach colored shirt from abercrombie dat sez wild and baby blue PJ bottomz
o6. cuRRent haiR: in a bun coz ii qot sick of havin it down and curly
o7. cuRRent taste: french friez!
o8. cuRRent mo0d: hunqry, a lil sleepy, bored, hyper
o9. cuRRent smeLL: french friez
1o. cuRRent thinq u shouLd be d0in: on the phone with *******!! LoL
11. cuRRent desktop pic: a bunch of candy hearts and d biqqest one sez bite me
12. cuRRent fav. qRoups: ii dun feel like thinkin
13. cuRRent b0ok: After...tho ii shuld be readiin tuesdays with morey
14. cuRRent refReshment: qrape juice! ii want sprite soo bad!
15. cuRRent woRRie: dat sunday wiLL suck and my dad wont let me qo 2 d m0viiez!
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