Back to the grindstone

Jan 05, 2004 21:37

It was great having ealbhar visit for the weekend - we watched Les Visiteurs, played Scrabble, ate yummy veggie lasagne, gave her a tour of the house, garden and village, sat around chatting, sat around reading the Sunday papers - it was all good.

So, today it was back to the grindstone. Fortunately I had forwarded all my work email to home so I knew from Friday that my boss was going to be away on a family matter. This still wound up illuminoid because a piece of test equipment Boss had sourced on Christmas Eve didn't work today when switched on for the first time.

This evening bellanna had whipped up another great hot veggie cottage pie with potato, sweet potato and butternut squash all mashed to make the topping (with grated cheese on top of that, of course). Today I had some of the left over lasagne for lunch, and tomorrow I suspect I'm getting some left over cottage pie :-)

This evening I also fixed the MIME type for AVIs on my web hosting, so now Mozilla won't choke on the movies of people running into the North Sea in the middle of winter and Sandi spinning around.

20040106 Update: It seems some AVI players now choke on these files because my camera produces Motion JPEG OpenDML formatted AVIs. These seem to play best in Quicktime. I have produced a couple of Real formatted versions, which are only about 100KB each (there is a drop in quality!) :

20071227 Update: Even better - YouTube:

review, movie, socialising

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