Sep 28, 2008 01:48
I created a blank text file, and gave it a filename which seemed to fit. Well, as I added more and more text to the thing, the original filename didn't seem to fit as well. You know how it goes with similar things, stories: You have a title in mind when you start -or maybe you don't- but after you write for a while, it really just doesn't fit anymore. Well, I haven't really renamed the file yet, but at least I know what's in it. Well, I think I know what's in it, by the thumbnail. Hard to say for absolutely sure, of course, because it's one of those peculiar collaborative files which someone else might alter without my knowing exactly what they put. At any rate, whenever other people look over my shoulder or use my computer, they seem to be able to guess the file's contents even without it being open.
I wonder what the average presidential count is per change given. Assuming that when a clerk gives change, it ranges evenly from .00 and .99 (it doesn't, but let's just assume), which president would be most likely to be seen the largest number of times?
Counting only coins, the average change for a dollar contains: 0.4 Jeffersons, 0.8 Roosevelts, 1.5 Washingtons, and 2 Lincolns. Of course, many folks pay the pennies so that they will only get silver change, so the most common president in change is Washington.
But wait! What if the change includes bills? Well, counting from $0.01 to $19.99 in price (assuming prices range perfectly evenly in the twenty dollar spectrum), and guessing that the customer pays with a $20 (which is fairly common in Urban Arlington and Rural Dubois, believe it or not), the most common president is Washington.
Average number of appearances per president in change for a $20:
Washington = 3.5
Lincoln = 2.5
Roosevelt = 0.8
Hamilton = 0.5
Jefferson = 0.4
Obama = ?
It is unfortunate that I cannot look at real sales data to analyze actual common costs, payments, and amounts of change.
My General Manager, who usually counts the cash drawers at the end of the day, finds one particular coin a burden, because they tend to build up. Nickels can only be fairly given as change 40% of the time, and then only ever one at a time. Every other coin can be given more often, and in greater quantities at a time. Thus, the GM hates the nickel. This has become a common topic of badinage between her and the clerks.
Today's furniture relocation project finished before dark. The next project is wrapping up some details at the old house before the big task: moving in and setting up the new place. But that task is one with which I will be of little help. Not actually being a member of the family will do that.
My feet held up better today. My guess is that they got far less use: 6-8 hours of use instead of 9-10, and it was a bit less constant, too. I brought backup socks this time, but they were less needed. I am glad that I will be working tomorrow afternoon rather than today. I was much more useful to the Robbins today than I would have been tomorrow, I believe.
Just think, I can help Meholicks move sometime soon, too. It's a good time for it, weather wise. Cool enough to work comfortably in, but not slippery or chilly.
My own move has not occurred yet, but it will this week. I have been lent a mattress, and internet will be ready to go on Tuesday or so. Then I'm off to forget about the dogs and get a tidy cash bonus from Steph do all that fun apartment stuff. Whee. No, I'm not unexcited, I'm just sleepy.