Words escape me. No, the action of the desired words does not qualify as escape: I never had them. The words simply have not come to me.
Following KatFest, King Dan and I hit the road with a soundtrack composed of Jennifer Knapp, Black Sabbath, Pearl Jam, the White Stripes, and some other goodies.
We were Moving Right Along as Dean Gray's American Edit, Hayseed Dixie's Stairway to Heaven, and Benny Goodman's Sing Sing Singing kept our ears entertained.
A wager was made. If the trip from my house to the Nordyke's house took 00:00 - 11:54 minutes, Didi would make Dan cookies. If it took 11:55 - 12:05, Elisabeth would win. If the time taken was greater than 12:05, I would win.
The trip took 11.5 hours.
With the Nordyke family, I attended the annual Grace Community Church Family Retreat weekend at Frostburg State University. Time was spent with Mark, Ben, Rhema, Mimi, Didi, and God. With each person, the relationship grew a little. Whether it was from stranger to acquaintance, or from friend to closer friend, all of the time spent with all of them was valuable in some way or another, and despite the words being a sovgrism, (or because they are ;) ) I was served by it all, and I hope that I have served them all, too.
Didi's heart of love for God, family, and friends puts a smile on my face. I can only imagine how much it pleases Him. Mimi's cheery attitude puts a smile on my face. The two of them together make it difficult for me to go five minutes without a reminder of what happiness feels like.