Sunday night also included two episodes where Dan's laughter was out of control.
One of them was when I went through the Star Wars Gangsta Rap (we got death star!), evidently with a certain bopping and bouncing. Julia declared that watching me do it was hilarious, but even more hilarious was Dan's reaction to it. I was fortunate enough to be able to see it.
The other highly amusing episode was when someone said something about muffins.
Me: Do you know the muffin man?
Dan: The muffin man?
Me: The muffin man!
Dan: Who lives on Drury lane? Yes, I know the muffin man.
Me: The muffin man?!
Despite the departure of some guests on Sunday night, and despite Katherine's absence during some hours of the day, Monday was an enjoyable day. A trip to a bookstore, a few games, sitting and talking, and a BBQ were some highlights of the day.
I won a game of Risk against Julia/Abbey, Katherine/Theresa, Dan, and Josh. Katherine's team had potential, but did not use it. Dan used his potential, but was beaten down. Josh had very little potential, but still managed to strategize himself into second place by using the opportunities he saw. It was Julia's first time playing, and she did accomplish her goal of taking Rome.
King Dan and I left the party tonight, and we are currently at my house. Tomorrow, we shall commence the drive to VA, where I shall visit Didi and perhaps do some other fun things.