Title: My Favorite Kinks
Author: Spockaholic
Category: poetry/song parody
Fandom; Star Trek
Universe/Series: TOS, Reboot
Rating: M
Relationship Status: established
Warnings: explicit content, NSFW
Summary: A raunchy song parody that celebrates my love of K/S smut
Kissing with fingers and purring like kittens
Chest hair as fuzzy as warm woolen mittens
Doubled-ridged packages tied with cock rings
These are a few of my favorite kinks
Green colored winkies on cute chibi doodles
Bondage and roleplay and humping like poodles
Captains that cry with their moons on big dinks
These are a few of my favorite kinks
Vulcans in Plak Tow with dark purple sashes
Prostates that tingle in tight human asses
Buttsex that wears out the box mattress springs
These are a few of my favorite kinks
When my muse bites
When review sting
When I'm feeling sad
I simply remember my favorite kinks
And then I don't feel so bad