Jan 05, 2012 01:49
The other day I decided to release my inner snark and make a list of some of my top pet peeves about K/S fanfic. Today I thought I should try and bring balance back to my world by writing about some of the things in K/S fanfic that never fail to delight and inspire me. Here goes:
1) Coming across a story with a premise that seems so ridiculous at first glance that you totally set yourself up to hate it, but falling in love with it instead because it is so well-written.
-The first time I experienced this was when I came across a story on the K/S Archives called "Love for Lingerie," by JSS. I read the summary--a story about Spock having a secret love for dressing in women's lingerie--and was convinced that it was going to be horrible, so naturally I had to click on it to satisfy my morbid curiosity. I came to the fic expecting something cracky and godawful, but instead I found a sensitively-written and deliciously romantic gem that I make a point of reading whenever I feel like I need a reminder of what good fanfic writing should look like. I love when stuff like that happens!
2) Any story that features Kirk and Spock spending Christmas together in a cabin.
-This is definitely my trope of choice. For some mysterious and wonderful reason, I have never read a "Christmas in a cabin" fic that I didn't love.
3) Following a lengthy WIP from the first day it is posted until its completion
-As much as I enjoy finding a monster fanfic in its completed stage and going on a seven or eight hour reading binge, there's something special about clicking on a story when it is nothing more than a prologue or first chapter and sticking with it until the very end. I think part of the enjoyment for me is taking that calculated risk that always comes with following a WIP and then having the payoff at the end when the author reaches the finish line. It gives the reading experience a much more personal touch when you feel like you've been rooting for the author from the start.
4) "Oh God, Spock!"
-I don't know why, but I always giggle whenever I come across this phrase in a K/S sex scene. It crops up quite a bit during the sexytimes, and it makes my day every time I see it. I think it gives me emotional security :P
5) Stories with proper spelling and grammar (with bonus points for stories that have been beta read)
-I have never considered myself to be a big grammar Nazi, and for the most part I am more than happy to overlook spelling and grammar flubs in stories (unless I'm beta reading), but I have to admit, I very much appreciate it when a writer has a good command of the language that he/she is writing in. Even more than that, I have a ton of respect for writers who aren't naturally gifted in this department and have the humility to ask another person to proofread their work. Being a writer often involves swinging back and forth between insecurity and arrogance, so I take my imaginary hat off to those who can look past their own egos and do what needs to done for the good of the story itself.
6) Forming friendships with other people in the fandom
-For as long as I can remember, I have never been able to fit in with others around me. Although it was sometimes deliberate on my part and sometimes completely unintentional, I have always been considered "weird" or eccentric by most people. Although it's fun as hell, being a Trekkie/otaku/fanfic reading female in my late twenties can be a pretty isolating. Throw in a K/S fixation and it's double solitary confinement. From my experience, slash fans are a little like sasquatches...they may be real, but I've only ever seen evidence of their existence on the Internet. But thank God for the Internet. I don't feel nearly as lonely, knowing that a squeeful discussion with another living, breathing K/S fiend is only a few button clicks away :)
7) That magical moment when Kirk and Spock need lube to crank up the sexytimes and POOF! it appears
-Whether it's hidden under a pillow, programmed into a replicator, stashed in a drawer (or in Spock's conveniently self-lubricating peen), packed in a suitcase (just in case), or supplied by the ever-perceptive Doctor McCoy (HE KNOWS), it's always there when our boys need it. And I always enjoy finding out how it's going to show up in a story. I'm weird that way.
8) Author's notes
-I love them. ''Nuff said.
9) When writers take the time to respond to reviews
-I don't believe any author should feel obligated to respond to reviews, but I have to admit, it's always a thrill to get that "So and So has replied to your review" email. Reading the stories may give me an appreciation for the talent, but review replies are a great way for me to gain more of an appreciation for the actual person behind the talent.
10) Authors who actually use their real names
-This is not to say that I don't have a healthy enjoyment of clever or cool-sounding pseudonyms, but I can't help but admire the guts of those who are not ashamed to have rockin' Kirk and Spock buttsex associated with their names in a Google search. Sadly, this will never be me. At least, it won't be until all my nieces and nephews are old enough to not be traumatized by what would happen if they randomly typed in their dear old Auny Steph's name in a search engine :D
star trek,