I find it fascinating that Marion exalts the forced kiss between Kirk and Uhura in "Plato's Stepchildren" over S/U in the AU, referring to the latter as "as awkward as two kids in high school". She ignores tenderness in many cases, and fully-clothed hotness, favoring scenes with skin. Granted, S/U haven't had any "hot" moments in either film, because she was comforting him, then they were supporting each other before Spock and Kirk's mission to the Narada, and in STiD they had differences, OMG!
I'm also fascinated because Marion apparently does not proofread before posting on a worldwide site ....
She totally skipped Crusher and Picard's two awkward but quite hot [heatedly yearning?] instances of close contact in later TNG. And one that was not so awkward, when Crusher joined into Picard's Dixon Hill holodeck scenario in "The Big Goodbye." Their mutual look was total heat.
Skipped Crusher's liaison with Odan, the Trill. Hot moments with him and with [coff] Riker. Oh, yes, and Riker had a few sexy moments during the course of TNG, a few with Deanna and a few with other ladies.
Totally skipped Spock and Zarabeth in "All Our Yesterdays."
And Spock and Leila in "This Side of Paradise."
Spock and Chapel never had any truly sexy moments, theirs were awkward or [as in "Amok Time"] yearning on her part and compassion on his. Unless you count TAS and that ep with Harry Mudd's love drug, or was that Cyrano Jones? Anyway I don't count it.
There were probably plenty of other "sexy" moments she missed; ignoring love between people, and equating the bareness of skin or the evidence of impending or "just-happened sex" with "Sexy" is - to me - a rather juvenile mistake.
I'm also fascinated because Marion apparently does not proofread before posting on a worldwide site ....
She totally skipped Crusher and Picard's two awkward but quite hot [heatedly yearning?] instances of close contact in later TNG. And one that was not so awkward, when Crusher joined into Picard's Dixon Hill holodeck scenario in "The Big Goodbye." Their mutual look was total heat.
Skipped Crusher's liaison with Odan, the Trill. Hot moments with him and with [coff] Riker. Oh, yes, and Riker had a few sexy moments during the course of TNG, a few with Deanna and a few with other ladies.
Totally skipped Spock and Zarabeth in "All Our Yesterdays."
And Spock and Leila in "This Side of Paradise."
Spock and Chapel never had any truly sexy moments, theirs were awkward or [as in "Amok Time"] yearning on her part and compassion on his. Unless you count TAS and that ep with Harry Mudd's love drug, or was that Cyrano Jones? Anyway I don't count it.
There were probably plenty of other "sexy" moments she missed; ignoring love between people, and equating the bareness of skin or the evidence of impending or "just-happened sex" with "Sexy" is - to me - a rather juvenile mistake.
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