Title: Sexiled! an alternate take on Spock's senior year
ladymac111 Status: Oneshot / complete
Word count: 3088
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Sex, but nothing "kinky" or whatever. "Creative" use of touch-telepathy that I don't think I've seen before.
Summary: He gave her a look that was part surprise and all amusement. "Sexiled? A portmanteau of sex and exile, I take it."
A/N: This story is an off-shoot from chapter 2 of "Entanglement". If you haven't read that, here's the context: Spock is a 4th-year cadet, Uhura is a 1st-year. He's the TA for her Advanced Phonology course and they've been gradually becoming friends. This story is NOT a part of that story. It will take a very significant detour from that plot -- it is an alternate universe to that alternate universe, based on a few crucial decisions that should be pretty clear. Ah, the "many worlds" quantum theory, it's so useful in fanfic...
Also, I hope the changes in POV are obvious. I wanted to give some insight into Spock's thought processes, but have the actual porn in Uhura's POV since, well, All Fanfiction Authors (And Readers) Are Female, and you should write what you know, right?
The fog was so thick that Cadet Uhura could barely tell she was going to the right building until she was actually walking up the steps.