Nov 10, 2014 00:38
Hey there. So, for some weird reason I've been reading most of everything that has Christian Kane in them, but what I'd really like to find is a story where instead of CK being the helpful and/or protective friend, it's the other way round and J 1 or J 2 or both take care of him and help him with something or be protective or...something.
The only thing that's even a little close to what I want is the Disclaimer-verse, and that's not really what I want at all (it's still a great story, don't get me wrong there!)
So... anything?
If not, good stories with a big role for CK as a side-line? More than just the buddy, if possible, but rec away. I don't care much about the genre except it HAS to be AU.
I wouldn't say no to it being Jensen/Chris, but that's not a requirement.
genre: au,
person: christian kane,
pairing: jared/jensen