Demon!Dean gets saved by Castiel from Hell Fic

Feb 17, 2023 22:09

Hello y’all! So I’m looking for a specific fic I read a couple of years back!

It starts with Castiel going to hell trying to save Dean but once Cas finds Dean he has already turned into a demon. Cas rescues Dean either way and transports him to an another dimension??? To try and turn Dean back into human before placing him on earth were he wakes up in his grave like in season 4.

During their time in this dimension I remember that the two of them falls in love but as soon as Dean is back in his real body, he forgets all about what happened with Cas.

I also remember the book ending with Castiel appearing just like in the show and is saddened by Dean not remembering but I think he promises himself that he and Dean will fall in love once again!

I have been looking like crazy but I could only find a kind of similar fic called: Please Dean, Remember but I know that’s not the one I’m looking for!

Hoping this beautiful community can help me!

ep: 03x16 no rest for the wicked, character: castiel, ep: 04x01 lazarus rising, altered: true-form!castiel, character: dean, pairing: dean/castiel, !specific fic, altered: demon!dean

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