Looking for some bottom!Dean wincest recs

Jan 10, 2023 21:40

Hi there,

I recently read a fic where this was featured, and now have been craving more.
But basically, it had Dean being manhandled by Sammy - and the good ol' Sammy lift under the thighs, and Dean wrapping his legs around Sam's waist. And now I want to read all of the fanfics like it that are out there.
All about that Sammy strength and Dean being surprised by it, and alarmed at being lifted, and then finding out he enjoys it.

Even better if the fics include a first kiss and/or first time, and if it's a slow burn too, with the boys slowly realising their feelings 🥺

position (sex): bottom!dean, genre: first time, kink: manhandling, attribute: possessive!sam, pairing: dean/sam

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