Lots of great vids released recently. It's great to see the activity up again. :))
First up,
spn_cinema is on again. This is a great challenge with good opportunities for vidders to get involved. Sign ups are
spn_cinemaClaims for authors, artists, vidders, podficcers and fanmixers go up March 1st!
Here are some vids that caught my eye this month:
On You Tube:
If you love Jared and Genevieve be sure to watch this lovely vid by the very talented Lucaszd88.
What makes you beautiful. Mulk Entertainment as put together a lovely vid exploring Dean's reactions to Sam's hallucinations.
I'm Permanent On Live Journal:
The amazing
secretlytodream has created an intriguing (and nail biting!) AU vid.
Seeing Red. Seriously, check it out. It's wonderfully creepy and she has manipulated the footage seamlessly.
It's wonderful to see
stir_of_echoes vidding again. Take a look at
World’s Most Handsome Man. It's all about how god damn handsome Dean is. Tremendous fun!
rumrouz has also put together an AU vid. It's a Teen Wolf/Supernatural cross over. I liked the build up of tension. And then, er, nearly weeped at the end. I suppose that might depend on which show you favour more...;D
Back Up Now, I'm sure you've all seen
deirdre_c's latest masterpiece piece. If not you're mad check it out right now. It's awesome! Fabulous editing and great fun.
Click to view
Or watch it/ dl it here:
Thrift Shop If I've missed any be sure to me (and others!) know.