Workshop: How to use and/or be a vid beta

Dec 05, 2012 23:13


I'm ash48. I make fanvids. I always use a vid beta so I thought it might be fun to talk about what a vid beta does and how to use a one. I've asked counteragent to help me out with the section on being a vid beta because she's got more experience in that area and has a great approach to vid beta-ing.

Why use a vid beta?

A vidder uses a beta for much the same reason a writer would. It's another set of eyes. A vid beta will check your work and pick up any technical problems as well as artistic ones.

I use one because I want to make sure when I post a vid I've done the best job I can. It also helps me feel a little more confident when I post it. If a beta has given it the thumbs up then at least I know one person (often two) has said it's watchable.

I also love the connection it gives you to a fellow fan. It's one of my most favourite fandom activities. Working on a vid with a beta is fun and very rewarding.

Tips on using a beta

Using a vid beta won't suit everyone. If you are not wiling to make changes to your vid or you are happy enough with it as it is then it's probably not something you need to use. If the thought of removing clips or changing sections to your vid pains you then it's not worth asking for someone to check it out. Don't ask someone to beta if all you want is someone to squee about it.

If you do decide you want some constructive feedback then here are some tips:

  • Tell a beta what kind of feedback you are after
  • If you are working with someone you don't know very well or haven't worked with before it's a good idea to talk about what kind of feedback you are after.

    You may just want to know if there are any technical issues (stray frames, color continuity, smooth transitions, pacing, consistent POV etc.) or you may be after deeper feedback such as whether the story/meaning/intent is coming across or if your clip choices are the best they can be for a lyric.

    Maybe you just want to know if it's having the emotional impact you're are aiming for. Most of my beta questions are..."Is this working?" or "should I continue with this?".

  • When you receive feedback USE it
  • I think it's really important to use the feedback you are given. Don't hand wave it. Either try it out (you might be surprised how well the suggestion works), or tell your beta that you tried it but it didn't work or give them a reason why you don't want to make that change. Of course you don't have to change everything (or anything) a beta suggests but I think it's important to at least acknowledge the feedback given to you. I think it can be disheartening to a beta to give all that feedback and then post the vid without using any of their notes or suggestions or telling them why you didn't use their suggestions.

  • Don't get (too) upset when you're told your vid isn't working
  • We all want our creations to be fabulous. But if a beta tells you it really isn't working then take it on the chin and decide to either fix it or ditch it.

  • Always thank a beta and let them know how valuable their feedback is
  • It's probably not necessary to point that out but beta-ing is HARD. It's also time consuming so I think it's important to acknowledge the effort.
Other tips

A beta might also help you nut out some ideas you are stuck with. This doesn't mean getting them to fill in heaps of the gaps (at all!) but rather talk about sections that you are struggling with.

You may just want to test the reaction or impact a vid might have. Let the person you send it to know you are just wanting to get a reaction. Sometimes, after working with a beta, I like to have a fresh set of eyes look at it. They may pick up things that are not working for them and you can take that into consideration when making any final changes.

The BEST thing about using a vid beta is getting honest feedback. It's rewarding to work on a vid and get someone to really look at it and take the time to tell you what they really thought.

How to find a beta

There's a variety of approaches when looking for a beta. I found my first beta (who I then worked consistently with for 4 years) after posting a request on supernaturalvid. To this day I remember her first beta note to me "this vid is lacking focus". It was true and I learned so much from using a beta in my first few years of vidding (and continue to do so).

Now I ask vidders I respect and who I know will give me honest feedback. Ideally you want feedback from someone you trust and knows where you are coming from. I will also say that awesome vidders don't necessarily make awesome betas. Giving feedback takes a special talent and finding someone to give you that might take some trial and error.

On being a vid beta:

Hi! I’m counteragent, and I love beta-ing both fic and vids. ash48 asked me to put together some tips on being a vid beta. I think these apply to being a fic beta, too.

Why beta?
  • The best way to become an excellent vidder is to watch a lot of great vids. The second best way is to beta a lot of vids.
  • Because it’s a good way to get closer to someone in fandom. (That…sounded less creepy in my head.)
  • Because don’t you wish someone had done it the right way for your first time? (That…sounded exactly that creepy in my head but I said it anyway.)
  • Because you never know when you’ll need a beta someday.☺
My number one tip: Establish the ground rules UP FRONT.

Possibly before you even agree to beta. This is especially important if this is a new vidder-beta relationship, even if (especially if) they are a close friend.

Ground rules can include:
  • What kind of beta they want and/or what kind of beta you can offer. I ask if they want a "heavy" beta (takes 5+ days and >2 rounds, examines structure, narrative, tone, musicality, etc.) or a "light" beta (a quick reaction and any super awkward bits noted)
  • How long you have to beta for them (is the posting date tomorrow, for example)
  • What your knowledge of the source is/should be
  • What your bias(es) about the source is
  • Any weaknesses or strengths to your beta-ing you think are relevant
  • If any other betas will be engaged on the project
Other tips:
  • Be nice but honest. Don’t be like, “this is crap” but definitely don’t let your friend put something embarrassing out there because you were too wussy to say something. That’s BETA FAIL.
  • Don’t get all pissy. It is not your vid. Your suggestions may or may not be possible or in-line with the vidder’s vision. Do not take it personally if they are not taken.
  • Don't trash-talk the vidder in your LJ before, during or after your beta. Respect the fact that a vidder is putting their work in your hands.
One possible structure of a vid beta:

First reaction: [write this after watching the vid only once. Should be short and include emotional reaction and any main points of confusion or squee.]

Then, after multiple views, include the sections below…

Overall impression: [emotional reaction, how far they are away from their goal, etc.]

Things I like a lot: [always good to start out positive!]

Things I’d consider changing (in order of priority): [be clear on whether something is a “dealbreaker” or a “nice to do”, etc. Be aware of their timeframe. A vid that posts tomorrow cannot be redone, and you risk really pissing someone of by suggesting it should be.]

Specific timestamps: [call out specific clips or beats or transitions or effects that stand out, both good and bad. Use timecode to identify, like “00:35, there is a dropped frame of Dean’s head” “01:29, holy shit what a cool cross fade!” etc.]

Main topics to cover in the sections above:
  • Emotional response
  • Structural notes (is the narrative clear? POV well established?)
  • Musicality
  • Tone
  • Lyric matches/mismatches

Not all vids need this much of a beta process, and not all relationships need this kind of care. If it’s a fun, dance-y vid from someone you’ve beta’d for before, a big “WOOOOOOT, that was FUN!” and some timestamps will likely suffice, etc.

Being a good beta is tough. I’ve had my share of taking too long (I take FOREVER, ask anyone), sending mixed messages, suggesting stupid things accidentally, and/or flaking on part or all of the process.

But I keep trying, because I think being a good beta is one of the best things you can do in fandom. You are helping to nurture the creative spirit and process in another person and, to me, that kind of love is what fandom is all about.

Short example of how beta notes can change a vid (or vid section)

This is for the die-hards who would like to see an example a beta and vidder at work:

This is a small section from my last vid. Some of it changed during the course of the beta process.

Draft 1

Notice that weepy!Dean is a bit melodramatic? It also didn't really suit the overall feel of the vid. The beta helped me take out some of the, um, cheesier moments I had.

Draft 2

After receiving some overall notes on the vid I tried to change the tone by adding some "cheerier" christmas moments. Um...didn't work. Drunk Santa messed up the mood and distracted from the focus of the brothers.

Draft 3

I finally settled on this after counteragent suggested matching deaths with resurrection hugs. I loved the idea and tried it out. Matching each death with each corresponding hug was hard so I used a selection of resurrection hugs and ended it with Dean hugging Sam when he died in his arms. Hopefully making it more poignant.

Please feel free to ask questions or add your own tips. Vid beta'ing isn't discussed very much so here's your chance! :)


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