Good morning, all! I'm
mollyamory. The kind and flattering
britomart_is invited me to be this month's Ask the Author writer-type person, and after a brief delay involving excessive stage fright.... hi!
I've been in online fandom since Highlander was the really big thing, and since then I've been many, many places. I did a solid run through Sentinel fandom, which was where I did the bulk of my writing before Supernatural yanked me in. I spent a couple of years in popslash writing about NSYNC (ai!) and then for a long time it was mostly Stargate (SG1 and Atlantis) and one-offs (NCIS, Merlin, Vorkosigan saga, Due South, White Collar, and some random Yuletide fandoms) for me before I landed here.
I've only been in Supernatural for about five years, but the AO3 tells me I've written more about Sam and Dean Winchester than any other pairing. I fell pretty hard. :) Here, I'm mostly into Sam/Dean slash, with a side of J2 here and there, but I also dabble a lot in the gen side of fandom. My favorite stories are usually the most recent ones, which means:
Urban Legend |
LJ /
DW /
AO3 Supernatural/White Collar crossover: Sam, Dean, Castiel, Peter, June. Casefic, Gen.
Sam and Dean catch a case in the Big Apple -- an overly-haunted mansion stuffed with monsters, Feds and con artists.
~14,300 words
Other worlds than these |
LJ /
DW /
AO3 Artwork by
Adult!Dean and young!Sam (gen), and later adult Sam/Dean slash. AU after S3.
Dean is lost in a barren desert landscape, his past and his identity stripped from him in the transition between worlds. Guided by a deep internal pull toward a man he only sees in his dreams, Dean crosses the desert alone, on foot, until he finds a strange boy named Sam living in the ruins of an ancient city...
Warnings: Horror, violence. One scene of fairly soft-focus, sexualized noncon horror - not between Sam and Dean. For those who might be concerned, the adult warning is for violence only; the slash is g-rated, and not underage.
~15,000 words
Hearthstone |
LJ Master post /
AO3 Artwork by
lamapanLJ Master post includes PDF files with and without art, and PRC with art
Jensen/Jared, Adult
Jensen lives alone in the small town where he grew up, dividing his time between the bookstore he runs (with no customers), the bar he half-owns (but doesn't run) and the big, expensive dream house (that he bought with money he doesn't know what to do with). He lives quietly at the edge of the circle of friends he went to school with, and avoids everybody else -- until the new guy in town crashes a bike in front of Jensen's store and wedges himself into Jensen's world.
Highlight to view warnings: Descriptions of past, off-screen, non-sexual assault against a main character (not perpetrated by any CWRPS character). Themes of physical and emotional recovery from same.
~43,000 words
I tend to focus mostly on characters' head/heart-space, the things that bind them together whether they like it or not. Among my own stories, my favorites (though not always my most successful) are ones where I set out specifically to do a thing. Those, I generally don't post until I feel like I did the thing I meant to, so there's a kind of satisfaction to those that stands out for me even if they don't work for others. I think I'm probably best at humor and dialogue, worst at plot, conflict and sex scenes, and happiest writing happy endings. :)
My master fic list for Supernatural is
here, and my master fic list for pretty much everything is
here. I'm happy to talk about what I've written, what I've read, what I like, what I don't; fandom, writing, life in general; whatever. I have a cat, a cup of coffee, and a thick skin, so I'm good to go - ask me anything!