Stories told through illustrations

Jan 21, 2012 18:29

I am a big fan of illustrated fanfic, but I particularly enjoy stories where the stories are told primarily through graphics or illustrations, or rely on them heavily.

This illustration is from the amazing story Dimensions and Verticals by bellatemple
R, ~520KB
Warnings: Language, nudity, and light gore
Author’s summary: Sam accidentally gets Dean out of Hell. The results are something no one could have expected.

This was one of the first fanfics I read and it is still one of my favorites. Dean in his predicament is adorably self-conscious yet still cocky.

Sam’s Drunk Letters to Stephen King by gekizetsu
PG-13, ~1.5MB
Warnings: language and sexual references
Author’s summary: Some people dial old friends or enemies when they're drunk. Sam is a literary minded boy and has to take things a step further.

Sammy getting all outraged about the inaccuracies in Stephen King’s books. Hilarious.

Someone Else’s Story by Miss 'Drea ( placeofinsanity)
NC-17, ~22MB
Author's summary: John gives the boys up for adoption, and at an early age Dean and Sam are separated then later adopted into two different families, in two different states. By a chance of Fate (whose name is Castiel) the two brothers find each other - Sam’s in 10th grade, the youngest in his class having skipped several grades, and Dean, also in 10th grade is his ‘penpal’. Dean thinks the whole thing is dumb, Sam’s just glad to have a friend.

A story told mainly through art, and absolutely beautiful art it is. An intriguing, interesting idea that is lovingly executed.

The Winchester Notes by anyothergirl415
R/NC-17, ~4.5MB
Warnings: language, lewd drawings
Summary: A series of notes shared during a stretch of days in which the boys are voiceless.

Poor Sammy puts up with so much.

(ksockalso created some hilarious illustrated crack!fic, but unfortunately her journal has been purged.)

rec: sam/dean, rec: r, rec: nc-17, rec: pg-13, rec: slash

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