Good morning! I'm mistyzeo, and I've always wanted to do one of these! What a lovely surprise to be asked; I hope I can be as interesting as everyone seems to think I am. Many thanks to britomart_is!
I practice my awesome every morning in the mirror before I start my day. :D :D :D
The hardest part of writing a story. Hm. Well, I have no lack of ideas, dear god; I have far too many of those instead and need to calm down. I would say that perhaps in longer stories the hardest part for me is finding the space between the scenes I've already visualized and putting everything in context. In "Aiming," the cop/nurse one, I had a few scenes that I KNEW I wanted to include, but they weren't consecutive, and I had to do a lot of wiggling around to get them into place and the scenes between them written (after the deadline, don't tell Wendy).
Another issue I have is that I tend to need my stories to be at the very least fully imagined before I begin, if not lightly outlined. You may or may not have noticed, but I don't participate in comment memes very much. I LOVE comment memes, but I just can't think that fast. I need to sleep on a fic, roll it around in my head, think about it while I'm walking to class, before I can produce anything. I think this results in (brushing off my shoulders) pretty decent fic that has a heart as well as an orgasm, but it sure limits my spontaneous playtime.
This is all really interesting stuff! I love hearing about other people's ~processes.
I had a few scenes that I KNEW I wanted to include, but they weren't consecutive, and I had to do a lot of wiggling around to get them into place and the scenes between them written
This begs the question: do you write out of order? Because I often have scenes I know I want to include, too, but I seem to be pathologically incapable of writing things out of order so I have to just sort of hold those scenes in my head while I power frantically towards them.
I usually don't. It's the outlining thing again. If I have scenes that I know I want I usually make myself work to get there. If I write them out of order, I find myself trying to explain things that would have been explained in an earlier scene, and it's hard for me to give that up. So yeah, mostly I hold them in my head until I know the fic is ready for them.
This mean that my NaNo this year is really struggling (no thanks to school), because I have scenes that I know need to happen, but I have later scenes that I want to write, and I have to get through the 'need' scenes before I can write the 'want' scenes. Like I have to build the sexual tension in the coffee shop and at the bank robbery before they can fall into bed, but oh my god that bed scene is going to be incredible why can't I just write it right now?
:D Well, you saw in our R/S fic where I was like I HAVE THIS VISION IS IT GOOD? but it'll take ages to get there. Even though I know the sequence of events, I have to wait. It's delayed gratification.
The hardest part of writing a story. Hm. Well, I have no lack of ideas, dear god; I have far too many of those instead and need to calm down. I would say that perhaps in longer stories the hardest part for me is finding the space between the scenes I've already visualized and putting everything in context. In "Aiming," the cop/nurse one, I had a few scenes that I KNEW I wanted to include, but they weren't consecutive, and I had to do a lot of wiggling around to get them into place and the scenes between them written (after the deadline, don't tell Wendy).
Another issue I have is that I tend to need my stories to be at the very least fully imagined before I begin, if not lightly outlined. You may or may not have noticed, but I don't participate in comment memes very much. I LOVE comment memes, but I just can't think that fast. I need to sleep on a fic, roll it around in my head, think about it while I'm walking to class, before I can produce anything. I think this results in (brushing off my shoulders) pretty decent fic that has a heart as well as an orgasm, but it sure limits my spontaneous playtime.
I had a few scenes that I KNEW I wanted to include, but they weren't consecutive, and I had to do a lot of wiggling around to get them into place and the scenes between them written
This begs the question: do you write out of order? Because I often have scenes I know I want to include, too, but I seem to be pathologically incapable of writing things out of order so I have to just sort of hold those scenes in my head while I power frantically towards them.
This mean that my NaNo this year is really struggling (no thanks to school), because I have scenes that I know need to happen, but I have later scenes that I want to write, and I have to get through the 'need' scenes before I can write the 'want' scenes. Like I have to build the sexual tension in the coffee shop and at the bank robbery before they can fall into bed, but oh my god that bed scene is going to be incredible why can't I just write it right now?
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