Good morning! I'm
mistyzeo, and I've always wanted to do one of these! What a lovely surprise to be asked; I hope I can be as interesting as everyone seems to think I am. Many thanks to
I stumbled into fandom at the wildly impressionable age of 12 with the Lord of the Rings movies. I'd read the books and I sure as shit read them again, and I wallowed in this newly discovered "slash fiction" thing to my little heart's content. I shipped Legolas/Haldir so hard it didn't even make sense. It still doesn't. I moved on from there to Pirates of the Caribbean, and some of those fics can still be found at the bottom of my
master post, where they are embarrassing. Harry Potter had me in its grip for a while there, but I mostly read and didn't write as much.
I took a small break at the end of high school, but slipped and fell back into fandom when my sister introduced me to Supernatural in early 2009. It was like getting hit in the face with a two-by-four of brotherly love and amazing fangirls. I've never been so in love with a fandom as well as a show. Sherlock Holmes and all its incarnations grabbed me pretty soon after that, so I straddle these two fandoms right now like a Victorian monster-hunting hussy. This past summer I also got sucked in by X-Men: First Class, but that's something I haven't indulged in quite as much since I've got school lurking over my shoulder all the time right now.
Speaking of school, I am a senior in college (shock! awe!), and I'm writing my Anthropology thesis on Polyamory. People ask me what made me want to write about it, or what alerted me to the existence of poly, and I find it very hard to really express to strangers the impression fanfiction has had on my life. I know about poly because I read poly fic like it's my job. I've written a few poly fics and now that I'm given permission to think about it like, 24/7, I have so many more I want to write. Fanfic is the safest, most wonderful way of exploring margins for me, and I love the way that writing gives me permission to learn about things I don't understand.
TL;DR I love fic and I always have. Sometimes I sit in my Advanced Fiction Writing class and think about my big dark secret of being a published writer of gay erotica. It's awesome.
In SPN I write primarily Sam/Dean (or Sam&Dean, but when are they different?) and J2. I write a lot of J2 AUs, because I'm expanding gradually into original writing, but I've got a few non-AUs up my sleeve. My fic lives at
onyougo, which you can follow if you want to watch me archive shit until the end of time. Also there will be new fic! And original fic! Yay!
A few of my favorite stories:
- Hard D (Adult): written for a fic tac toe game, in which I indulge myself in the ridiculous sport I play and write an esoteric Ultimate Frisbee fic.
- Sure to Lure Someone Bad (Adult): written with obstinatrix because we felt like writing knotting!fic, and there seemed to be a dearth of it. 6,000 words. Also it has a sequel, You Are A Fever (Adult).
- Aiming to Shoot You Down (Adult): the prequel in my "Bad Boys" 'verse in which Jared is a cop and Jensen is a nurse and they have silly kinky sex, but also a meaningful relationship. There are 4 official fics in the 'verse, so don't miss the tag! 33,000 words (+/-)
- People-Who-Can't-Stand-Each-Other With Benefits (Adult): a 'verse that I started by accident, in which Jensen is a high school cheerleading douchebag and Jared is impressionable, and they're super in love. ~a million words
- This Tricycle Needs a Third Wheel (Adult, Jared/Jensen/Danneel): written for spn_j2_xmas, in which Jensen and Danneel run a diner, and then they seduce Jared. 9,000 words.
So! That's about all I've got. There probably aren't questions left, but go nuts. Ask anything. Literally anything. I've shouted a story across my apartment about the time my cat jumped on my hand while I was wanking, so I have no shame left. Your questions may be about writing, as well. :P (
master post is here)