mixed recs

Oct 18, 2011 09:28

So I was going to attempt to make some kind of themed post, but then I realised that there was no way that was going to happen with the jumble of fics I had on hand that I wanted to rec. In the end, I decided not to bother with themes. ;)

The Chuck Writes Story, PG-13, gen, by lettered.

Remember chuck_writes? Wank All Star that lord_kripke and the other Super Gnats took down with a wrecking ball? That chuck_writes? Turns out that chuck_writes was actually a sock for Carver Edlund (which was actually a pseud for his real name, Chuck Shurley. No wonder he used a pseud). You read that right. chuck_writes is THE Carver Edlund-author of Supernatural books, beloved by the masses, worshipped by lord_kripke and the SPN Super Nats-that Carver Edlund.

How can I begin to explain this story? I don't think I can. I'm a huge fan of meta and the way the show makes use of it (...mostly), and this isn't so much a fic as an interactive experience that makes brilliant use of all the tools the writers have given us. lettered is a genius. She made me read 30,000 words of gen, I mean. Yep.

Fracture Mechanics, PG, gen-ish Sam/Cas, by road_rhythm.

So it's three a.m. and he's staring up at the ceiling, listening to Sam knife-fighting Castiel outside apparently just for fun.

This is the second time I've recced road_rhythm in as many weeks. It's deserved. Her writing is unique and beautiful and stays with you long after you read it, particularly in this fic, which uses non-linear storytelling excellently to create an atmospheric and thought provoking piece.

No Loitering, R, Sam/Dean, by bertee.

In which Castiel is very busy and important but remarkably inept at prioritizing.

I'm trying to restrain myself from quoting selected bits of this story. Actually, no, I'm trying to restrain myself from just reading the thing through again in looking for bits to quote, because that way lies madness and me cackling inanely at work. Basically, this fic is about Castiel creeping on Dean in season 6. That's what it's about, but that's not quite what it is. Which is to say, hilarious. Awww.

rec: sam/dean, rec: pg, rec: r, rec: pg-13, rec: gen, rec: slash, rec: other

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