Picture Post #24: The Dark Times of Samuel Colt

Jul 17, 2011 14:58

And random bonus that really is completely random but I am tying it in by saying (dundundun), "A Hero is Born, a Killer is Made" aka the picspams alter-theme-ego-thing.

Notes: This is meant to be interpreted any way your mind desires. I played with the alteration of monotone to color, and you will notice many of the pictures are cut from the same base photograph, so I wanted to keep it simple and let the contrast of views and colors speak for themselves.

And the bear possibly hell hound possibly who even knows (probably a bear)... well, it has no purpose other than the random "huh?" factor. I couldn't resist, and unfortunately the image quality as far as that small section went didn't work out so well but oh well.

One final note: Not sure if this has been previously mentioned anywhere, but while editing I noticed a certain non-western item. I spy with my little eye: a band-aid.

Anywho, hope you enjoyed the pictures! (Apologies for the width, I didn't even think about it until I just now posted it. D'oh.)

Credits: Pictures via teamfreewill.net
Please do not use these in graphics or claim as your own.

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