Ask the Author: cherie_morte

Jul 15, 2011 14:21

Hello, everyone! I'm Cherie_morte, and the lovely britomart_is invited me to do Ask the Author this month! I feel a little like a kid whose parents accidentally left them alone in the house for a weekend, but since I'm here, let's break out the PBR and have a party (this has got to be the classiest introductory paragraph ever…)!

I'll start with a bit about me and my journey into fandom, I guess. Unless we're counting that time I spent all of middle school watching Lord of the Rings and squeeing over how in love the entire cast was to myself, my first fandom was Phantom of the Opera, which I got into in January 2005. I started writing fic when I was 14 (to disastrous results, though most of the evidence has been purged from the internet), fell out of fandom, and came back to it in early 2009 when I rediscovered the Harry Potter series. Then my best friend started talking my ear off about these two actors who were adorable together and their TV show. I allowed her to bully me into watching Supernatural in summer of 2009 (post-Season Four, for reference), even though I was sure I would never ship incest or enjoy a show that was all guts and ghosts all the time. Right, so. As you can see, that worked out. I ended up watching Season One at her place, then stealing the rest of her DVDs and devouring them in a weekend.

My favorite thing about the Supernatural fandom from a writer's perspective is that you get two of the best fandoms I've ever seen in one package. When I need a break from Sam and Dean and the emotional rollercoaster of their daily life (seriously, the guys brush their teeth and it's tragic. It's my favorite thing about them, but it can be EXHAUSTING), I hop on over to Jared and Jensen's schmoop factory. There's also just SO MUCH here to play with-Supernatural has made me try reading and writing things I once assumed were just not for me, and I've often discovered I love them. I am, sometimes to my great regret, a bit mono-focused on pairings. Sam/Dean and Jared/Jensen are OTP for me, and it's hard to separate my interpretation of the characters from the way I see their relationships with each other. Any of you who know me, however, probably know that I have a major boner for threesomes. That's pretty much how I shake up my pairings; I LOVE to add another person and see how that person changes a pairing's dynamics.

My masterlist is here, but here are a few examples of my writing to save you guys a lot of wading:

A List of Typos Made by God [Sam/Dean; NC-17; 44,443 words] - My spn_j2_bigbang this year. Definitely my personal favorite Sam/Dean story that I've written. Also my longest story ever!

At the Gate (to the Garden of Eden) [Sam/Dean (unrelated); R; 6,640 words] - A shorter Sam/Dean piece. Also my attempt to play with the unrelated Sam/Dean trope.

Cradlesong Verse [Sam/Dean/Jess; NC-17; 52,065 words total] - Sam/Dean/Jess has the honor of being my #1 OT3 and this verse is kind of all of my feelings about them. I'm pretty proud of it, even though it's nearly a year old at this point and it shows, and I plan to keep working on it.

Along the Road to Anywhere [Jared/Jensen; PG-13; 21,812 words] - My j2_everafter fic this year, based on the movie Up. This is definitely my favorite J2 I've ever written and probably my favorite fic I've written, too.

But We'll Always Have Our Vending Machines [Jared/Jensen; NC-17; 20,800 words] - My spn_reversebang from last year. By far my most popular story.

So…that would be me in a nutshell (how did I get in this nutshell?)! Please ask me questions so I don't feel I was brought here by mistake? :D?

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