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Season 7 released on Blu-ray/DVD on September 18 posted by
cha J2 confirmed as guests for Jus In Bello Con 2013 posted by
kate_mct Cover art for S7 Blu-ray/DVD posted by
missyjack and others
SDCC panel to be on Sunday July 15 at
all_spn Kripke to attend Revolution panel at SDCC at
all_spn Challenges
Challenge #290 reminder at
jared_stillness Mod post: posting instructions/template at
spn_j2_bigbang Challenge #290: Extension at
jared_stillness Fanfic: Sam/Dean
Oasis by
paper_storm88 (NC-17)
A Cardiac Event by
callistosh65 (R)
Like a Fish Out of Water by
nyxocity (NC-17)
Close Your Eyes by
sonofabiscuit77 (also Dean/OMC and Sam/OMC; NC-17)
A Skill Hell Hath Trained by
revenant_scribe (R)
Fanfic: Other Slash
Sand And Mirrors by
funkyinfishnet (Crowley/Gabriel, Sam/Gabriel, Bobby/Crowley; PG)
A Minor Sun 12/? by
jozette (Dean/Castiel, mature)
Crying over you 1/? by
kimisgirl (Castiel/Balthazar, mature)
98 Problems by
krhlvsdestiel (Sam/Castiel, NC-17)
Wait and See 3/? by
oncethrown (Dean/Castiel, R)
A New Language by
bellanovaskies (Dean/future!Castiel, NC-17)
save a horse, ride a cowboy by
pann_cake (Dean/Castiel, PG-13)
We Were Nineteen by
narcisisticniny (Dean/Castiel, NC-17)
Running With My Roots Pulled Up 5/? by
princess_aleera (Dean/Castiel, PG)
Just listen to the music (and forget that you're in Hell) by
darkly_ironic (Dean/Castiel, R)
Fanfic: Gen
Pitter-Patter by
prufrock_26 (PG)
Hallelujah by
madlyxxmadd (PG)
Putting the Fün Back in Dysfünctional by
greenthumb421 (PG-13)
Prairie Wind (the On The Day It Rained Forever remix) by
geckoholic (PG-13)
Nothing Gold Can Stay by
blanketedstars (PG-13)
Dust Devils 14/21 by
sharlot1926 (R)
Return to Sender by
mamapranayama (PG-13)
An Untried Form of Bravery by
elfladyarwen (PG)
Fanfic: Het
We Could Plant a House by
fete_in_june (Castiel/Meg, NC-17)
Fanfic: Other
A Cage Full of Heroes by
ramblin_rosie (Hogan's Heroes crossover, gen, PG-13)
Mirrors and Dread, Red Needle and Thread 1/12 by
robnzgrlwonder (Smallville crossover; Dean/Chloe, Sam/Chloe; mature)
Finding Heaven by
thinlizzy2 (girl!Dean/girl!Castiel, Sam/Ruby, Dean/Jo, Castiel/Meg, Sam/Gabriel; R)
Inside Man 9/9 by
kitprovocateur (RPF crossover, Dean/Jensen, NC-17)
Savior 15/23 by
angela_stjoan (Smallville crossover, Chloe/Dean; PG-13)
Wicked - The Zen Tribal Musical 14/? by
highermagic (Dean/Castiel, Dean/Michael, Castiel/OMC, Sam/Gabriel, Ruby/OMC; NC-17)
Fanfic: RPF
Waiting in the Wings 10/? and
11/? by
julieshadow (Jared/Jensen, Tom/Mike, Chris/Steve, Chad/Sophia; NC-17)
Breathe Again 6/? by
fatebegins (Jared/Jensen, NC-17)
I Will Give You the World by
spn_j2fan (Jensen/JDM, NC-17)
Asking For Help... by
kourt_nay (Jared/Jensen, NC-17)
I Just Wanna Break You Down So Badly (But I'm Gonna Be Okay) by
kourt_nay (Jared/Jensen, Jared/OMC; NC-17)
Is It Just Your Need For Attention? by
kourt_nay (Jared/Jensen, PG-13)
Porny Goodness and
Porny Goodness -- Alternative Ending by
kourt_nay (Jared/Jensen, NC-17)
Handcuffed To The Bed: Operation Kinky by
kourt_nay (Jared/Jensen, NC-17)
One Day Like This by
storywood (Jared/Jensen, PG)
Back to December by
sams1obsession (Jared/Jensen, Jared/Tom, Jensen/Matt Bomer, Chris/Steve, Misha/Victoria; NC-17)
Hold Me 1/2 by
alecx_5 (Jared/Jensen, NC-17)
Night Life by
s1ashnburn (Chris/Jensen; NC-17)
Gen podfic rec by
khakigrrl Assorted recs by
twasadark Jared/Jensen fic recs at
crack_impala Sam/Dean spanking fic recs by
tebtosca at
sd_recs Assorted Sam/Dean recs at cr
crack_impala Icons
SPN icons by
sgmajorshipper Fanart
Art for A Cage Full of Heroes by
quickreaver (Hogan's Heroes crossover)
The Impala from "Phantom Traveler" and
Dean from "Good God Y'all" by
raloria Wee!Chesters - giant slinky & story time by
annartism (G)
Art for Putting the Fün Back in Dysfünctional by
annartism Art for Like a Fish Out of Water by
lightthesparks (Sam/Dean)
Art for Without Recourse by
meus_venator (Sam/Dean, NC-17) [NSFW]
Art for Back to December by
evian_fork (Jared/Jensen)
Art for Close Your Eyes by
electricmonk333 Screencaps/Pictures
Jared at a wine tasting in Sao Paulo posted by
cha Danneel Twitter picture posted by
cha Jared and Thomas in People Magazine at
all_spn Songvids
Keep on the Sunny Side by
eyestoowide (gen)
More Than This by
bending_sickle (gen)
Sunshine Recipe by
el1ie (gen)
Video of Misha explaining income taxes posted by
cha Miscellaneous
Sam/Gabriel comment meme at
spn_gabriel_sam Community roundup for June 6 at
all_spn Favorites Post - Season 7 at