Round 9: Day 01

May 11, 2011 10:08

There are now 8 Innocents and 4 Assassins.

Talk it out amongst yourselves, but beware - the Assassins are lurking in your midst and might try to lead you astray. Feel free to comment as little or as much as you'd like to accuse, defend, or influence people. Pictures, .gifs, links to videos, etc. in support of your accusations or defenses are welcome.

When you have made up your mind, vote for the person you want to be executed in the first comment thread - aka, the "Voting" Thread - and the Voting Thread only. (Votes not in the actual thread will not be counted.) You may edit or delete/re-comment as many times as you want - I will be tallying the votes at 11:00 PM CDT. In the case of a tie vote at the end of the day, no one will be executed. (This works the same for the Assassins - if there is no majority when Night is over, then they do not murder anyone.)

As far as the dead speaking are concerned -

Since they've suffered traumatic and sudden deaths, Innocent spirits will be allowed to linger for 2 days, before being forced to fade away and heading off into the Big Chatroom in the Sky.** If you are wrongly executed, it will be the two days after the night your execution is announced. If the Assassins get to you, it will be the day your news story is posted and the following day. Dead Assassins may also linger for 2 days, but they are not allowed to talk about the game! Assassins can RP or 'taunt' (within reason, of course), but only dead Innocents are allowed to continue speaking about the game itself during their ghosting days. (Sorry, Assassins. Once you die, you 'lose' the ability to manipulate.)

**ETA: There is no DIC this round. Ghosts are free to stay around for as long as they want to RP - but 'game talk' from innocent spirits must cease after their two days are up.

Anna (juliet42)
Bobby Singer (skieswideopen)
Castiel (steeleblue)
Dean Winchester (colls)
Eve/Mother of All (death_box)
Hellhound 2.0 (xmaidelx)
Jo Harvelle (grlkat2)
Lucifer (spnfreak15)
Meg 2.0 (lissapocalypse)
Ruby 1.0 (camshaft22)
Sam Winchester (bexta1989)
Soulless!Sam (teef_chan)
Gabriel (haruechan)

Have fun. Remember the Rules. And don't make me smite any of you.


round 9, day post

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