How to Play & The Rules of Mafia
Not familiar with the game of Mafia itself but curious to know about it? Interested in getting familiar with the rules of this community in how Mafia will be played?
Or just need a whole refresher of the ins-and-outs of things?
Check out the information below the cuts!
How to Play Mafia
Depending on the total number of players for each round, there will be a proportional number of Innocents and Assassins. Each night, the Assassins gather in their secret lair (chat) and decide which Innocent to kill. During the day, Innocents and Assassins alike mingle and decide which one among them should be executed under the suspicion of being an Assassin. Assassins will, of course, attempt to lead Innocents astray.
Innocents win the game by executing all of the Assassins; Assassins win by bringing the Innocent numbers equal to the Assassin numbers (because they then control the voting and would eventually execute all the innocents anyway).
What Else?
Certain players will also have special roles which may affect game play, such as Seers, Healers, Godfathers, or Dentists, among several others. Each role has its own abilities and powers, including saving people, killing people or even switching sides. (For more information on the individual roles, please see this post here - coming soon)
In order to increase the fun and enjoyment of the game, players choose characters from Supernatural to role-play as during the course of the game. Anyone and everyone that has ever been on the show is welcome and considered "acceptable" as a character. (From a single!episode Monster-Of-The-Week, to Sam or Dean Winchester themselves.)
Standard Rules for
spnmafia 1) DO NOT TALK ABOUT MAFIA OUTSIDE OF THE GAME. Loose lips sink ships and all that, but do not talk about the game outside of game posts and/or allowed chats. It's basically cheating, and people can also accidentally give away important information that way.
2a) Remember that Mafia, as tense as it may sometimes get, is still JUST A GAME and we are here to have fun. If you have RL issues that are making you cranky or otherwise unpleasant, it might be best to step away from the keyboard until you're calm again.
2b) Voting for people based on RL issues is also forbidden. If it doesn't happen in the game itself, it doesn't count for voting.
3) SHOW UP. Players who fail to participate for three days in a row WILL BE REMOVED FROM THE GAME by the all-powerful Mafia God, so show up. Don't let your side down by "dying" in such a way. If you don't think you can show up for a particular round, DON'T SIGN UP.
4) DO NOT REVEAL YOUR ROLE. Any living player who reveals their role (except the Seer) will be removed from the game. Dead players may reveal their roles if they choose.
5) OOC TALK should be moved to the OOC/Social thread as much as possible, to keep IC/strategy threads clearer.
6) RP IS HIGHLY ENCOURAGED, and not everyone will play nice characters. Some people enjoy playing total the 'villains' of the story - Lucifer, Alastair, Zachariah, Lilith, etc. REMEMBER that role-play should not be taken personally. By the same token, if you get nasty in role-play, remember that a little ((OOC)) explanation goes a long way to prevent hurt feelings!
7) DRAMA IS INTENSELY FROWNED UPON. If you have an issue with another player that you can't work out in private, CONTACT THE GAME MOD OR THE COMMUNITY MOD. That is what we are here for! Players who start, cause, or continue drama, run the risk of being summarily removed from their game and/or banned from the community, depending on the severity of their offense.
*pretty much "borrowed" from