CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS // REAL PEOPLE Prompt Post // December 1 - 15

Dec 01, 2014 17:08

This post is for ANY AND ALL REAL PEOPLE PROMPTS. People from other fandoms are allowed as long as the main pairing includes one person from the Supernatural cast. Exceptions made for Jared, Jensen, and/or Misha's wives.

Prompts or fills mentioning real people under the age of 18 are BANNED, they can not be aged up or mentioned in ( Read more... )

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Filled: And Baby Makes...9/? anonymous January 20 2015, 11:09:07 UTC
Jensen tried not to fidget when Sherri had assumed that Jared would be having a baby with Genevieve but then again they didn’t know how close he and Jared actually had been and he surmised still were to some extent. The last they had heard Jensen had been with Danneel then he hadn’t and neither of them were with anyone new. He saw Jared flush red when Gerry came on the phone and knew that tone of voice himself. He decided to save Jared as Jared had him with his parents considering Jared had gotten the hard part over with.

“That’s why I’m here too Mr. Padalecki” Jensen jumped in before Gerry could say anything else.

“What?” Gerry sounded confused before there was a gasp and Sherri cut in.

“Oh Jensen, honey that’s wonderful I’m so happy for you two, you are feeling alright? Jared is taking care of you?” Sherri sounded happy and excited as was speaking very quickly not letting either Jensen or Jared answer.

Jensen looked at Jared to see him blushing an even deeper shade of red as his mother spoke and he couldn’t help but smile. “I’m doing okay and Jared I am sure will be doing his best.”

“What are you talking about of course Jared should be doing what’s best but I don’t…”Gerry was still sounding confused and a little upset, as he had been the one to teach Jared to be respectful and do the right thing.

“Jensen’s the one having Jared’s baby dear” Sherri cut Gerry off. “Hasn’t he been doing a good job already?” Sherri asked seeming to be done with her husband.

“I just found out and told Jared today and we thought it best to call you and my parents before we have to tell anyone else” Jensen explained.

“And Jensen will be moving back in with me of course” Jared added. “It would be nice if you guys could keep this quite for a few days while we work everything out.” Jared knew that his mother would be over the moon at the news of another grandbaby and would excited to spread the news. Jensen’s parents would need some time to process the information before they went around telling people besides maybe a priest so there was nothing to worry about there. But Jared and Jensen had a few other people to face up to in private before they could let the news of their impending parenthood out into the public.

“That’s great boys, you’ll let us know if there is anything we can do for you. Oh and when it’s okay to tell your brother and sister, I am sure they will be happy to know. Will you be coming home over the break I would be so happy to see you both” Sherri sounded as if she was talking through the biggest smile which she most likely was.

“We’ll probably come down seeing as we should see Jensen’s parents as well” Jared thought back to the conversation with Jensen’s parents. He did not want to sets of mothers flying up to come after them if they didn’t go home for the break.

“Well alright” Sherri seemed to calm down a little “We should let you boys go it’s getting late there and Jensen will probably need some rest. You take care of that boy and my little grandbaby now” Sherri addressed Jared.

“And we’ll have a talk when you get here son” Gerry cut in but he didn’t sound angry.

“Yes mom, I know dad” Jared answered again flushing a bit red “goodnight.”

“Bye Mrs. and Mr. Padalecki” Jensen said before Jared hung up the phone and blew out a loud breath. “That went pretty well I think” Jensen parrots the word he’d said not to long and another phone call ago. Jared just looks at him for a moment then laughs before letting go of Jensen’s hand so he can wrap his arm around Jensen’s shoulders and pull him close to his side.


Re: Filled: And Baby Makes...9/? anonymous February 9 2015, 18:24:06 UTC
OP So sorry for the delay in commenting!

I LOVED this update! This story wonderfully written, and I really enjoyed the conversation with Jared's parents. I was on pins and needles waiting to see how they would both react to the news. I really like how understanding they are being, and how protective and caring both sets of parents are with their boys.

This story makes me very happy, I really love the dynamic between Jensen and Jared, and their families. I am REALLY looking forward to seeing what happens next, and how they continue to deal with Jensen's pregnancy! <3


Re: Filled: And Baby Makes...9/? anonymous March 30 2015, 17:35:18 UTC

I adore this fic and I hope you decide to add more to it one day. It's such an interesting world you have created that I would really love to see more of it.

If not this works really well as it is. It's such a sweet story and I love Jared and Jensen's relationship. It's fun to think about what comes next for them and their families.

Thank you for filling my prompt, I have had a lot of fun reading this. :)


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