CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS // REAL PEOPLE Prompt Post // December 1 - 15

Dec 01, 2014 17:08

This post is for ANY AND ALL REAL PEOPLE PROMPTS. People from other fandoms are allowed as long as the main pairing includes one person from the Supernatural cast. Exceptions made for Jared, Jensen, and/or Misha's wives.

Prompts or fills mentioning real people under the age of 18 are BANNED, they can not be aged up or mentioned in ( Read more... )

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Filled: And Baby Makes...8/? anonymous January 20 2015, 11:05:17 UTC
Jared dials his parent’s home number and takes Jensen’s hand again, not squeezing but just holding. Jensen doesn’t pull away when there is no squeeze from him and it keeps the smile on his face as the phone rings. Unlike with Jensen’s parents the phone isn’t answered right away and Jared thinks that it may go into the answering machine. He has no idea what to do about that as he certainly isn’t going to leave this kind of news on a machine for anyone to hear. He’s thinking of hanging up when the line is picked up and a half breathless “Padalecki residence”.

“Mom” Jared sounds relived and a bit confused. He is glad he won’t have to call back again later but not sure why she picked up after so long of the phone ringing and why she would be out of breath. His parents have a phone in their room as well as the one in the kitchen.

“Jared, sweetheart it’s nice to hear from you” Sherri sounds a bit more normal now.

“Is, is this a bad time?” Jared has no idea what his parents are doing and it is late. Jensen and he had been lucky that Jensen’s parents were still up. Jared’s parents or at least his mother was doing something and as much as Jared wants to share the news he doesn’t want to interrupt anything, especially since this may or may not take some time depending on how his parents receive the news.

“Oh no, we were just cleaning up from dinner and the phone was misplaced from earlier, is something wrong?” Sherri sounds a little more serious and concerned now. Just like Jensen’s mother she must know that something is up now that she is actually paying attention.

“Well I do need to talk, it’d be better if dad was able to hear was well” Jared managed to sound calm even though his nerves were beginning to pick up.

“Okay just a moment” Sherri didn’t cover the phone as well as Jensen’s mother had and they could hear her call out “Gerry put that down and come over here, Jared wants to talk to us.” They didn’t have to wait too long before the sound shifted and Sherri was back. “Now what did you need to talk about sweetheart? Are you alright? Is everything okay?”

“”Everything’s fine, and I’m okay but what I have to say is about more than just me. I have Jensen here because this involves him as well” Jared starts.

“Oh, hello Jensen” Sherri says as Jared pauses to gather his breath for the news. “You okay dear? Is this something about the show?”

Jensen looks at Jared and Jared shakes his head just a little, it’s his responsibility to tell his parents about the baby. Jensen can add what he needs to after Jared’s announcement.

“I’m fine Mrs. Padalecki, and the show is doing well” Jensen reassures her and lets Jared take over again.

“Mom, dad you’re going to be grandparents” Jared didn’t say he was going to have a baby because he wasn’t the one who was actually pregnant. And also Alison, his sister-in-law had told him women hated it when men said that they, often referring to the couple, were having a baby or pregnant for that very reason, only one of them was actually carrying the baby and doing the work.

“When did this happen? Who is it, is it Gen?” Sherri asked sounding excited and referring to Jared’s last girlfriend. Gen was Genevieve Cortese, a guest star on their show whom Jared had gotten quite serious with. They had broken up shortly before Jensen and Danneel but had remained good friends. At some point in time he’d have to tell her as well.

“Um, no it’s not Gen we didn’t get back together” Jared felt a little bit guilty about that. While he was glad he and Jensen might have a chance to be together, after all he really did like Jensen he had loved Gen for a while and his parents had liked her. If they hadn’t broken up he could have seen himself marrying her and having kids with her someday but that just hadn’t meant to be.

“Jared?” Gerry spoke up a bit of weariness in his voice. He knew when Jared had broken up with Genevieve and to say that he was going to be a father so soon after and that it wasn’t going to be with Genevieve. Gerry had been the one to have to talk with Jared about being safe when having sex when he caught Jared at it when Jared was a teenager.


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