CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS // REAL PEOPLE Prompt Post // December 1 - 15

Dec 01, 2014 17:08

This post is for ANY AND ALL REAL PEOPLE PROMPTS. People from other fandoms are allowed as long as the main pairing includes one person from the Supernatural cast. Exceptions made for Jared, Jensen, and/or Misha's wives.

Prompts or fills mentioning real people under the age of 18 are BANNED, they can not be aged up or mentioned in ( Read more... )

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Filled: And Baby Makes.... 7/? anonymous January 2 2015, 08:43:28 UTC
“How did this happen?” Alan’s voice is still a bit rough but he doesn’t sound to angry.

“That’s a bit of a long story I’m not so sure you want all the details to” Jensen takes over for Jared. Besides he’s not sure if he wants to hear what Jared thinks about how all this came about. He has his own idea that he isn’t even all that comfortable with, and even with how supportive Jared has been so far he doesn’t need any more ideas, stress and doubt not to mention a little guilt about how this happened. He will just stick with the fact that he is pregnant and there will be babies coming in the near future. Another thing he has to come clean about to his parents, just how pregnant he is. But that will be for another phone call, he isn’t too sure he wants to go through that with the shock of him being pregnant on his parents minds.

“We are going to be concentrating on the future for now anyway” Jared adds and the line is silent for a while after that.

“You’ll be taking care of my baby now or do I need to come up” Donna’s voice is strong and a little bit scary, like she’s about to put them in time out for doing something naughty even if they are both grown up.

“I’ll be here all the way” Jared says right before Jensen says “I’m moving back in.”

There are two sighs from Jensen’s parents before Donna speaks again. “Good, but I’m coming up on your next break if you two don’t come down here.”

“Yes mama” Jensen knows that this is the end of their conversation for now, his parents will want to process the information before they talk any more about the sudden news.

“You take care of yourself baby, and Jared you better be nice to my boy” Donna still has her scolding voice as she says in way of goodbye.

“Yes mama” Jensen answers again as Jared adds “of course” and they hang up.

They sit in silence for a minute before Jensen sighs “that went pretty well I think.”

“I think it went great, I told you they would be fine once they got over the shock” Jared bumps Jensen lightly with his shoulder.

“I don’t think they will be over the shock for a while” Jensen shakes his head a bit. He knows that he had a bit of a shock taking the home pregnancy test and when his doctor gave him the official word. To be honest in some way he still is a bit, but he is getting over it and will do so faster now that he has told the people closest to him and they have accepted him. Well almost everyone closest, there is still Josh and Mac and a few of his other good friends like Chris to tell. But next on the list will be Jared’s parents. He has met them and true to Jared’s word so far they do really like him, he is like another son but this will be a test to them as well. Their son got him knocked up and plans to take responsibility for the babies like a good boy they raised but the fact remains that he is a man.

“You want to wait a little while before we call my parents or do you want to do it now?” Jared seems to sense his unease and worried thoughts.

“Now would be good before I can think otherwise one way or another” Jensen gives Jared a small smile which is returned with a wide grin that brings out Jared’s dimples.


TAGGED nonnie_sock January 19 2015, 15:34:34 UTC
Tagged now, apologies for the delay, if you let us know when the story is complete we'll update the tags.


Re: Filled: And Baby Makes.... 7/? anonymous January 26 2015, 23:08:36 UTC

This is so wonderful! I was worried that Jensen's parents were going to freak out when they found out. It made me so happy that they were so supportive and understand of Jensen and Jared and their situation. And Jared is such an awesome guy, I love how good he is with Jensen, and how protective and sweet he is being. Really good story so far!

I can't wait to see how Jared's parents react! :)


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