CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS // REAL PEOPLE Prompt Post // December 1 - 15

Dec 01, 2014 17:08

This post is for ANY AND ALL REAL PEOPLE PROMPTS. People from other fandoms are allowed as long as the main pairing includes one person from the Supernatural cast. Exceptions made for Jared, Jensen, and/or Misha's wives.

Prompts or fills mentioning real people under the age of 18 are BANNED, they can not be aged up or mentioned in ( Read more... )

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Filled: And Baby Makes.... 4/? anonymous December 19 2014, 05:12:53 UTC
“Well congratulations to us, I hope you will consider moving back in so I can be there and help out with our little one.” Jared held the sonogram photos back out to Jensen and took his hand when Jensen leaned forward to grab the sheet. “I want to be there for you and it, whatever you decide I’ll support you. We can do this” Jared smiled as Jensen looked into his eyes.

Jensen’s eyes teared up and relief washed through him that Jared wasn’t angry or disgusted and actually wanted him to be around and not just support the baby with some amount of money. Deep down he knew Jared wasn’t cruel enough to do that but stress and doubts about how the world viewed male carriers had clouded some of his judgment of Jared. He should have known better and glad that it was one less thing had had to worry about. Now he just had to clarify exactly how many babies they were going to have, but Jared started off again.

“Um, after you tell your parents about, can I tell mine?” Jared sounded a bit hesitant. “I mean I know you have the right to say no and all but I know they would like to know about another grandchild and they won’t think any less of it coming from a male carrier. They will probably be excited that I’m with you after they finish scolding me about not being careful” Jared blushed slightly at the thought of the lecture both his parents would give him and later the teasing from his siblings.

“It’s fine, actually we should probably tell both of our families together, mine first of course, but there is something else you need to know.” Jensen bit his lip and held up the sonogram photos facing Jared. “We’re having twins.” Jared’s eyes grew big as he looked back down at the photos and swallowed.

“Wow, that’s” Jared shook his head and a little smile crossed his face. Leave it up to him and Jensen to do nothing half assed about things. “We may need a bigger place in a few years” he looked back at Jensen. He knew that the night the babies were conceived was a drunken fling and while the sex had been pretty good considering the condition they had been in he wasn’t sure if Jensen wanted to share a bed with him even platonically. Jensen could take his old room back and that left the guest room to be converted into a nursery but what would happen when the babies got older and would need separate rooms?

“Let’s just stick to who we’ll tell about the babies right now and worry about that after their born” Jensen finally tucked the photos away in his jacket.

“Oh shit mama would kill me for my manners, why don’t you take off your coat and do you want something to drink? Unless you’re gonna leave or something” Jared tried not to sound to disheartened about the thought of Jensen leaving.

“I don’t think I’m going anywhere for a while” Jensen sighed as he sat up straight and took his jacket off and set it on the armrest of the couch. He would most likely stay at Jared’s tonight as he had nothing to really look forward to at his apartment. “Think you’re up to talking with our parents tonight?” Jensen wanted to get it over with quick like he had with Jared but he wanted to give Jared some time if he needed it. He also didn’t want the bit of calm and courage he’d gained from Jared’s reaction to leave him before worry could take over again at owning up to his parents. Jared must have known what he was thinking or possibly wanted to get it over with as well as he nodded.


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