Jan 01, 2014 11:28

This post is for ANY AND ALL SPN & OTHER CHARACTER PROMPTS. Characters from other fandoms are allowed as long as the main pairing includes one Supernatural character. Reminder: all prompts with characters under the age of 18 should be posted to the underage post.

spn & other character prompting post, prompt post

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FILL: (Dean/Castiel, true form) Resonance 8/10 mayalaen January 29 2014, 10:14:27 UTC
He knows now that *grunt* is a mothering noise. One Cas uses just for Dean, and it's so much more than mothering. It's caring, concern, well-being, healing tinged with love.

Now that Dean is breathing, he's hyperventilating. The wings are swirling about the room, and that isn't even the right term for what they're doing, but Dean can't come up with a better way of describing the fractionated groups of light roving about that are making up Cas' wings.

They scream of power and justice and righteous vengeance, and they're singing of it as well. Dean can hear them. It's the most beautiful thing Dean has ever heard.

They're dark and look like feathers, but at the same time they're light and sound and fire and crackling of ozone, and Dean's mind can't even comprehend how such a thing is possible.

“Humans weren't meant to have this ability,” Cas says.

The noises Cas has been making ever since they woke up in the witch's room are no longer there, and Dean immediately misses them. He craves them. He wants them back. He'd do anything to have them.

Cas reaches up, his fingers moving toward Dean's forehead. Dean already knows Cas is going to knock him out.

“No! Wait! Don't take it away!” Dean screams, trying to push Cas' hand away, but he can't, and then all he knows is darkness.


Dean wakes up slowly. It's so gradual that he feels like he's pulling himself through mud. He remembers what happened, but it's a gradual remembrance. It doesn't come flooding in. It's not overwhelming.

The memories aren't scattered or out of order. It's just as if they're slowly brightening, a sun coming up over a distant horizon.

He tries to open his eyes, but he can't move. He's not scared. He knows Cas is there. He feels him. He also hears a noise that resonates throughout his body and mind. It's a humming noise, and it means calm and safe and loved and protected.

Dean knows Cas is keeping him in this state of mind. It's for his own protection. Like Cas said, a human wasn't built for this. But Dean isn't a normal human. He wasn't so normal to begin with, but he's died, more than once. He's spent forty years in Hell. He's in love with an angel. He's bound to an angel in a more permanent and tremendous way than he'd ever dreamed.

Cas is in his head, in his heart, in the very cells that make up Dean's body, and Dean can feel him there. He knows what Cas is doing, and he could never express how much he appreciates it. He could never repay Cas for this.

“The flash of power in the witch's house was a mix of dark and light magics, but it also involved the grace of another fallen angel,” Cas says, filling Dean's body with the words he's speaking.

Dean pushes his love and appreciation toward Cas, knowing Cas feels it. He tries to speak, but his body won't cooperate, and his brain doesn't seem to have the ability to speak the way Cas is speaking to him. Cas can read his mind, though, so Dean figures Cas knows.

“The combined powers were too much for the witch to handle. They amassed and pushed her out of existence. You would've been killed had you not been bound to an angel,” Cas explains.

Dean's eyes open, and he thinks he's the one that forced them open, but he's also fairly certain he'd been trying to the whole time to open them and wasn't able to. Cas is lying down next to Dean in the bed. They're face-to-face, and Dean breathes a sigh of relief when he sees the flecks of light in Cas' eyes.

“I didn't realize it at the time, but I would've known had my grace been at full power. It was only when you reacted to seeing my wings that I knew what had happened. I apologize for putting the whammy on you,” Cas says with a grin, knowing Dean will be amused by his choice of words. “If I would've let you continue, your mind would've broken.”

“What did you do?” Dean asks, and he knows his words are slurred, but he hopes it gets the message across to Cas.

“I gave you some of my grace,” Cas replies.


FILL: (Dean/Castiel, true form) Resonance 9/10 mayalaen January 29 2014, 10:14:45 UTC
“Cas! You didn't have to-,” Dean starts, but a finger over his lips stops him.

“I'm fine without it, and if it means that much to you that you're able to see and hear these parts of me, then it's worth giving up,” Cas says, running his fingers over Dean's skin.

“You don't have to. I can live without it,” Dean says, concerned for Cas because of his already-dwindling grace. “I mean, I really like it, but I can't take that from you.”

“You didn't take it. I gave it to you of my own free will,” Cas says.

Dean feels a soft push of an emotion connected to 'I wouldn't have known the pleasure of free will without you' coming through whatever connection he and Cas have.

Dean's chest hurts. He wants to fix Cas so badly it hurts. “How can you give me a part of something that's...,” he trails off. He can't bring himself to say Cas' grace is dying away.

“I would've given it to you anyway,” Cas says, his fingers running through Dean's short hair and over Dean's scalp in an intimate gesture, “but something else happened when we walked into that room. Something we need to talk about because you need to know the whole truth.”

Dean thinks he should feel scared, upset, or even a hint of worry, but he doesn't. It might be Cas keeping him calm, but he doesn't think so. He knows Cas isn't upset over what he wants to tell Dean. In fact, Cas seems excited. That makes everything okay. Dean knows it.

“What is it, Cas?” Dean asks.

“The connection we shared before going into that room was fairly strong,” Cas explains, and Dean can feel the sense of wonder and happiness coming from Cas. “When the combined powers and magics met, my grace flared, and it sought out my mate.”

Dean's eyes widen. He learned that part of his own name in Cas' language meant mate, but he hadn't realized Cas already viewed him as that.

“It fully bonded with your soul because both of us were willing and we already shared the connection that had been building ever since I pulled you from Hell,” Cas says softly.

Dean can feel a small bit of anxious uncertainty coming from Cas, and he knows it's because Dean hasn't said anything yet. Cas could easily read his mind, but Dean knows even now Cas is respecting his wishes and keeping out of Dean's head. He can't speak. He's working his way through everything Cas has said so far, and he has so many questions, but he can't bring himself to say anything.

Instead he pushes reassurance through to Cas, and Cas immediately stops feeling anxiously uncertain. Dean pushes some love and encouragement through to Cas, thrilled over the ability to do so. Cas grins, and it's so adorable that Dean smiles back.

“I'm keeping the connection down to a minimum right now,” Cas says. “Now that I know what's going on, I can open it gradually so your mind can adapt and cope with it all. If I would've known, I would never have let that happen, Dean.”

Dean snorts. “I was scared you'd take it away from me,” he says, his voice getting a little stronger.

“I'd like you to be honest with me in the future,” Cas says, a very small amount of power behind his voice, but enough to let Dean know Cas is extremely serious.

Dean wants to say he'll promise to never lie or hide things from Cas ever again, but he has a feeling it would be a promise he'd break. He doesn't like that part of him, but it's true.

“Is this going to make you lose your grace faster?” Dean asks, his stomach clenching even as he says it.

“That would be the other part of what has happened since we walked into the room,” Cas says, a spike of excitement coming from him. “Because my grace connected and bonded itself to your soul, my grace is growing stronger. I didn't realize it until you saw my wings. It's a slow process, but when you saw my wings, your soul pushed a spike of power into my grace.”

Dean's jaw drops, and he gapes at Cas for a few moments. “I'm fixing your grace?” he asks, his voice breathy in a way that Sam would tease him about if he were here.


FILL: (Dean/Castiel, true form) Resonance 10/10 mayalaen January 29 2014, 10:16:22 UTC
“Yes,” Cas says. “Souls hold an enormous amount of energy, and I could've used your soul at any time as a boost, but I would never do that to you, especially without your knowledge.”

Dean frowns. “I would've given it to you,” he says, feeling an ache, knowing he could've helped Castiel, but Castiel never gave him the opportunity.

“I know you would've,” Cas says softly, squeezing Dean's shoulder. “But the way I would've had to go about it before wouldn't have been pleasant, it would've weakened you, and it doesn't last. The way my grace is connected to your soul now, we feed off each other in a way, both of us building the other up rather than one draining the other.”

“Is this permanent?” Dean asks.

“No one but us can break it, and even then it's not easy,” Cas says.

Dean feels a small spike of fear from Cas, and Dean matches it with one of his own. Neither of them want to break the bond, and they both realize it at the same time.

Dean moves forward, pushing his face between Cas' neck and shoulder. “I can have this? We can have this?” he asks.

“Yes,” Cas says, then kisses Dean's head.

“How long will it take for me to be able to handle everything?” Dean asks, wanting everything now even if he knows his mind and body can't take it.

“I have no way of knowing,” Cas says, and Dean lets out a groan of frustration. “Is there something in particular you'd like me to open up to you first?”

Dean huffs into Cas' shoulder. “I want it all. I want every bit of you. But if I have to choose, I'd really like to be able to hear the noises you make,” Dean requests.

Dean gasps as he feels the connection they have pull back to the point where he doesn't feel anything from Castiel. He digs his fingers into Cas' arm.

“You'll get that part of the connection back again in time,” Cas says, and Dean knows he's talking about the emotional connection. *Coo, nih*

Dean lets out a bark of laughter. It's not funny, but the relief he feels at hearing Cas' noises pushed it out of him.

“I wanna learn what all of those mean,” Dean says.

“You will,” Cas says. *Nih* “You know that each sound has layers of meanings from when we were connected before, but until that connection is opened more again, ask me and I'll tell you anything you want to know.

“*Uhn* is my name, I realize that now, but what does *dook* mean?” Dean asks, though he's already pretty sure. He wants to hear it.

Cas squeezes him closer. “It means all forms of love, devotion, affection, and that I care for you with everything that I am.”

“It's way more awesome than saying I love you,” Dean says with a goofy grin.

“Humans don't have the capacity to form and use a language as complex as what angels use, but whenever you say you love me, I know it means more than the words,” Cas says.

Dean feels emotion swell in his chest. “I do love you,” he says.

*Purr* “And I you,” Cas replies.

Dean chuckles. “Can I call you my Kitty Cas?”

*Cuh* “You may call me whatever you wish,” he says.

Dean flat out refuses to giggle like a girl, holding it in with sheer will, but instead he chuckles and snuggles in closer to Cas.

“Thank you for letting me have this,” Dean whispers as he closes his eyes.


Dean's eyes open again. That one was new. He's got to start writing these down. He grins and closes his eyes again, listening to Cas purring.

The End (for now)


FILL: (Dean/Castiel, true form) Resonance Alternate Links mayalaen January 29 2014, 10:18:05 UTC
Alternate links in case anyone wants them: AO3 || My LJ

I'd like to write more of this in the future, and if/when I do, I'll most likely post to AO3 and my LJ.


Re: FILL: (Dean/Castiel, true form) Resonance Alternate Links valyriaa January 29 2014, 13:07:02 UTC
i *dook* this.


Re: FILL: (Dean/Castiel, true form) Resonance Alternate Links mayalaen January 29 2014, 17:40:09 UTC
Hahaha! Thank you :)


Tagged! valyriaa January 29 2014, 13:06:21 UTC
Thank you for the fill! :D


Re: Tagged! mayalaen January 29 2014, 17:40:39 UTC
Thanks for tagging!


Re: FILL: (Dean/Castiel, true form) Resonance 10/10 mayalaen January 29 2014, 16:55:28 UTC
So good yay! Would love to read more of this. Great job ^.^


Re: FILL: (Dean/Castiel, true form) Resonance 10/10 mayalaen January 29 2014, 17:41:40 UTC
Thank you! It was too adorable to pass up writing more of it!


Re: FILL: (Dean/Castiel, true form) Resonance 10/10 mayalaen January 29 2014, 17:22:38 UTC
That's adorable! He's like a bird-kitty. ;)

I wanna use that chirping in my writing, because now I'm convinced it's canon. Thanks so much for the cute fill!


Re: FILL: (Dean/Castiel, true form) Resonance 10/10 mayalaen January 29 2014, 17:44:11 UTC
Thanks! I'd love to see other people including something like this in their writing :)


(The comment has been removed)

Re: FILL: (Dean/Castiel, true form) Resonance 10/10 mayalaen January 29 2014, 18:26:32 UTC
Thank you for letting me know you enjoyed it! I love exploring things that are non-human/different from us, so the OP gave me the perfect opportunity to do that.


Re: FILL: (Dean/Castiel, true form) Resonance 10/10 mayalaen January 30 2014, 20:10:09 UTC
Just letting anyone who wants more know that I made this a series you can find at AO3 or My LJ Master Post.


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