!!! - CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS - !!! J2 Prompting Post // May 15 to May 31

May 15, 2010 14:40


If your prompt includes Jensen and Jared touching each other, this is where it goes. Slash, het, f/f, and anything else you can think of are all welcome and encouraged here! : ) Threesomes including Jensen and Jared where they touch/have ( Read more... )

j2 prompt post, real people prompting post

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Request: Jared in complete control over Jensens life, babying Jensen anonymous May 15 2010, 23:42:30 UTC
I want Jared in complete control, babying Jensen as soon as they enter their house. Jared is controlling Jensens life completely, he mainly wants him to be naked around the house, Jensen has to ask him if he has to take a leak and Jared will then accompany him and hold his dick. Jared likes to have Jensen on his lap and then fondling his body (stroing his dick and balls for hours). Jensen likes his role, likes to give his life in Jareds hand but is very embarrassed when they have visitors who know their secret (only a handful like JDM, Steve and Christian know) and he is treated like a baby. The emphasis should be on Jared being in control and fondling/groping Jensens private areas a lot as well as Jensens embarassement in certain situations. No need for anal sex but lap sex could be a nice fit to this kind of story as well as keeping Jensen horny with all the lovingly fondling.


Re: Request: Jared in complete control over Jensens life, babying Jensen anonymous May 16 2010, 00:08:00 UTC
This! With Jared and others commenting on how Jensens body is reacting to all the stimulation. Adds to Jensens embarassement. Might be dirty talking too.


Re: Request: Jared in complete control over Jensens life, babying Jensen anonymous May 16 2010, 17:30:03 UTC


Re: Request: Jared in complete control over Jensens life, babying Jensen anonymous May 16 2010, 19:10:51 UTC


Re: Request: Jared in complete control over Jensens life, babying Jensen anonymous May 16 2010, 20:00:14 UTC


Re: Request: Jared in complete control over Jensens life, babying Jensen anonymous May 23 2010, 19:08:45 UTC


Re: Request: Jared in complete control over Jensens life, babying Jensen anonymous May 26 2010, 19:23:51 UTC
Oh man, okay I'm going to take a swing at writing this one. Gimme a little while. ;)


Re: FILLED: "Game Day 1/6" Jared in complete control over Jensens life, babying Jensen anonymous May 27 2010, 02:44:41 UTC
Jensen wakes up warm and alone, face stuffed between two pillows and his legs tangled in the sheets. Jared's out running the dogs, he knows that because it's Sunday and that's always what Jared does when he wakes up at some ungodly hour in the morning. Still, it doesn't make waking up alone any more pleasant. He rolls over and pulls the sheets up over his head, closing his eyes just to drift for a little bit longer.

The next time he wakes up it's to the twin clomps of two giant sneakers being kicked off and a heavy weight settling right on top of him, crazy messed hair tickling his face and huge hands cupping his head. He squeezes his eyes shut and tries not to laugh when Jared kisses his face - both eyelids and the tip of his nose, the creases at very edge of his lips ( ... )


Re: FILLED: "Game Day 2/6" Jared in complete control over Jensens life, babying Jensen anonymous May 27 2010, 02:45:25 UTC
Jared pushes at his shoulders, maneuvers him around so his back is to the spray and covers his neck and chest in the lather, reaching down to tease at his cock and balls; light strokes that make his breath catch in his throat and leave him hard and frustrated. He grinds forward into Jared's hand and Jared pulls back right away. Jensen can feel Jared's mouth curve into a grin against the side of his head ( ... )


Re: FILLED: "Game Day 3/6" Jared in complete control over Jensens life, babying Jensen anonymous May 27 2010, 02:46:26 UTC
By the time he finishes his coffee the moisturizer's mostly absorbed into his skin and he has to piss so badly his stomach is cramping. Jared is shaving at the sink, little flecks of shaving cream scattered over his face and hands as he finishes the last few strokes ( ... )


Re: FILLED: "Game Day 4/6" Jared in complete control over Jensens life, babying Jensen anonymous May 27 2010, 02:47:14 UTC
The guys come over at about eleven, clamoring through the front door with offerings of beer and pizza and god knows what else. Jared gives them all the standard Padalecki bear hug, picking Chris up and swinging him around a bit just to piss him off. Jensen stays stretched out on one of the couches, peering over the back to watch everyone come in and probably looking a lot like a deer caught in headlights. They all know about this thing with him and Jared, he reminds himself, but he'd still feel better if Jared was sitting next to him right now instead of fucking around putting the beer in the fridge.

"Oi, Jenny!" Chris reaches over the back of the couch and gets him in a half-assed headlock, only stalling for one awkward moment when he looks down and realizes Jensen's already naked and half hard because Jared can't keep his hands to himself. "Nice," Chris whispers under his breath and then lifts his head up so everyone can hear him. "Hey there, big boy," he says in his best skeevy asshole voice and Jensen rolls his eyes ( ... )


Re: FILLED: "Game Day 5/6" Jared in complete control over Jensens life, babying Jensen anonymous May 27 2010, 02:48:06 UTC
Halfway through the first quarter Jared leans down and says, "Drop your right leg ( ... )


Re: FILLED: "Game Day 6/6" Jared in complete control over Jensens life, babying Jensen anonymous May 27 2010, 02:48:55 UTC
Everyone yells out in disappointment, some play gone wrong or a maybe a bad ref call and Jensen closes his eyes again. He'd been looking forward to the game earlier in the week but this, this was way better.

"Think your boy is worn out," he hears over the rabble of the tv sportscasters and their crowd.

"Nah, he's awake." Jared's voice comes out as a deep rumble against Jensen's shoulder, comfortable and reassuring. "He's just fakin'" Jared's hand drifts up from Jensen's thigh and Jensen should've probably seen this coming but he doesn't because he's just too relaxed to care - Jared pinches his nipple between two fingers and gives it a quick twist.

Jensen's eyelids fly open and his hand flies up to rub at his sore chest. "Shitfuck," he swears and favors Jared with an accusing pout ( ... )


Tagged! spnkinkpentamod May 27 2010, 05:15:35 UTC


Thank you! :) anonymous May 27 2010, 16:28:38 UTC
That was brilliant! Loved it. The only "complaint" - the story should have novel-length, lol!200 pages of Jared babying Jensen...*dreams*


Wow. That was hot! anonymous May 29 2010, 07:59:13 UTC
Such a sexy piece you have written there!


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