!!! - CLOSED TO NEW PROMPTS - !!! J2 Prompting Post // May 15 to May 31

May 15, 2010 14:40


If your prompt includes Jensen and Jared touching each other, this is where it goes. Slash, het, f/f, and anything else you can think of are all welcome and encouraged here! : ) Threesomes including Jensen and Jared where they touch/have ( Read more... )

j2 prompt post, real people prompting post

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Re: FILLED: "Game Day 2/6" Jared in complete control over Jensens life, babying Jensen anonymous May 27 2010, 02:45:25 UTC
Jared pushes at his shoulders, maneuvers him around so his back is to the spray and covers his neck and chest in the lather, reaching down to tease at his cock and balls; light strokes that make his breath catch in his throat and leave him hard and frustrated. He grinds forward into Jared's hand and Jared pulls back right away. Jensen can feel Jared's mouth curve into a grin against the side of his head.

"Nah, not yet. 'member what today is?"

Shit, he'd forgot. It's game day; no wonder Jared wouldn't let him just crawl back in bed. They have guests coming over. Jensen groans and Jared chuckles. It's not that he's not excited about it - it's shaping up to be a good game even if none of his teams are playing, Illinois against Ohio State and he knows Jared's ordered the motherload of snack platters and had some authentic Texan beef steaks shipped in special.

It's almost like a housewarming of sorts; the first time Chris and the guys will be over since they moved into the new house, and the first time Jensen's going to be, well, whatever the heck he is, in front of so many people at once. Hence the nerves. He's not shy and he trusts their friends with his life, but he's a different person at home than he is outside and this feels too much like those worlds are crashing together and he's caught in the middle.

Jared is right there with him though, tipping his head back into the spray and rinsing out his hair.

Eventually they step out of the shower, Jensen still a little stupid clumsy and lost in his head. Jared leaves him standing in front of the sink to air dry and hands him the coffee, cooled down now to just the right temperature and a wonderfully warm counterpoint to his damp and cooling skin. He sips it slowly, cup held close to his face so he can breathe it in as he waits for Jared to dry off and get dressed.

Jared comes back in with a towel to scrub Jensen's hair mostly dry and a bottle of the moisturizer he's started using on Jensen's skin every day. It'd taken a while for Jensen to get used to the scent of it; too sweet and lighter than anything he would've chosen for himself, but then Jared had slicked his hand with a ridiculous amount of the stuff and jerked him off so fucking slowly he'd actually been crying and barely able to stand by the time he'd finally come.

His reaction to it now is practically Pavlovian, and if he wasn't hard already the damn moisturizer would've done him in.


Re: FILLED: "Game Day 3/6" Jared in complete control over Jensens life, babying Jensen anonymous May 27 2010, 02:46:26 UTC
By the time he finishes his coffee the moisturizer's mostly absorbed into his skin and he has to piss so badly his stomach is cramping. Jared is shaving at the sink, little flecks of shaving cream scattered over his face and hands as he finishes the last few strokes.

"Jay?" He shifts uncomfortably on his feet, knows that Jared'll help him take care of it but it's still so awkward having to ask lilke this.

"Hm?" Jared stops stretching his jaw one way and another to check for stray stubble and glances at Jensen in the mirror. "Oh! Sorry sorry, I got it."

He rinses his hands without bothering to wash off his face hustles Jensen over to the toilet, holds Jensen's dick in one hand and lays the other low on his stomach, thumb rubbing back and forth right over his belly button. Jensen folds his arms self consciously over his chest and tries to relax; it's not easy trying to piss through his fading hard-on and they spend what feels like forever just standing there waiting.

Jared flushes for him, washes both their hands together in the sink standing close behind Jensen, his legs bracketing Jensen's and shifting with him every time he moves. It doesn't feel claustrophobic anymore, not the way it did those very first few weeks of filming when he started walking around with his elbows stuck out all the time in a (futile) attempt to ward off Jared-sized personal space invasions. He loves it, the closeness and the synchronicity, the feel of Jared's jeans against his own bare skin.

Jared dries off their hands and meets his eyes in the mirror. "Okay?"


"Awesome. Dogs're run and fed and locked out back, and you know what that means? Breakfast time!"

He follows Jared downstairs, sits at the table while Jared mixes up some cereal because Jared has this thing about eating an entire bowl of the same cereal and breakfast was one of the first of Jensen's personal decisions he'd overruled. Jensen personally thinks that someone with such a giant sweet tooth has no right to judge his usual coffee and a poptart breakfast choice, but Jared gets all gleefully excited when he gets to pick out Jensen's food so whatever. Jared can give himself premature wrinkles worrying about calorie counts and unsaturated fats if that's what makes him happy.

Jensen ends up with something that looks like a mix of Grape Nuts and Cheerios, with a smiley face carefully outlined in Fruity Pebbles or Trix or one of those godawful rainbow cereals. "You're such a dork."

"You love it." Masterpiece fully appreciated, Jared pours in the milk and holds a spoon up to Jensen's mouth. "Open wide."

"'at's what you said last night," Jensen mutters through a mouthful of assorted cereal.

Jared huffs a laugh against the back of Jensen's head and reaches around to tap Jensen's cheek. "Chew and swallow before you talk, babe."


Re: FILLED: "Game Day 4/6" Jared in complete control over Jensens life, babying Jensen anonymous May 27 2010, 02:47:14 UTC
The guys come over at about eleven, clamoring through the front door with offerings of beer and pizza and god knows what else. Jared gives them all the standard Padalecki bear hug, picking Chris up and swinging him around a bit just to piss him off. Jensen stays stretched out on one of the couches, peering over the back to watch everyone come in and probably looking a lot like a deer caught in headlights. They all know about this thing with him and Jared, he reminds himself, but he'd still feel better if Jared was sitting next to him right now instead of fucking around putting the beer in the fridge.

"Oi, Jenny!" Chris reaches over the back of the couch and gets him in a half-assed headlock, only stalling for one awkward moment when he looks down and realizes Jensen's already naked and half hard because Jared can't keep his hands to himself. "Nice," Chris whispers under his breath and then lifts his head up so everyone can hear him. "Hey there, big boy," he says in his best skeevy asshole voice and Jensen rolls his eyes.

"Shuttup," Jensen mutters and finds something very interesting to look at on one of the legs of the coffee table. Chris rubs a hand through Jensen's hair, eyes still focused on something nowhere near his face and lets Jensen go.

The other two are a little more circumspect - Kyle and Mark, crew guys that've been over the house a couple times already to help them move in and get furniture and shit put together. Good solid guys, and they've already seen Jensen in every possible state of dress and undress but it doesn't make Jensen feel any less weird for being laid out naked on a couch like some debauched courtesan.

"Hey," Jensen offers and gives them both a wave. Kyle just nods back like this is completely normal and Mark gives him this huge grin.

"Man, how many kinds of chicken wings did you let him buy?"

Jensen snorts. "Like I could stop him." He's caught between work-Jensen and home-Jensen and he's not completely comfortable with either one just yet, swinging in the breeze and trying to figure out which role he's supposed to be playing right now. The guys take their seats and grab their snack bowls of choice and Jared must be psychic or some shit because right then he leans over the back of the couch and lays a kiss on the top of Jensen's head.

"Stop thinking so much. Relax."

Finally everyone is settled in with beer and food and Jared comes back in and takes his place at the end of Jensen's couch. Jensen lays with his shoulders in Jared's lap and his head propped up against the arm of the couch, knees bent and feet tucked into the crease between the cushions at the other end. Jared's got one hand tangled in his hair and the other resting on his stomach, fingers tapping in time with the commercial jingles.


Re: FILLED: "Game Day 5/6" Jared in complete control over Jensens life, babying Jensen anonymous May 27 2010, 02:48:06 UTC
Halfway through the first quarter Jared leans down and says, "Drop your right leg."

Jensen lowers his leg off the edge of the couch, spread open and even more exposed when Jared hitches his hand under Jensen's left knee and hooks it over the back of the couch. Jensen shifts his hips nervously, glances around and sees none of the others have noticed yet but knows it won't last for long. Come the next commercial break all eyes will be back on him and the way Jared's palm is pressing his cock right up against his stomach and rubbing slowly.

He groans loudly; doesn't mean to and can't stop it once he starts, all eyes on him and Jared's hand is sliding further down to cup his balls.

"Jesus, Jared," Mark breathes out and not-so-subtly adjusts his legs.

"Sorry," Jared says in a tone that doesn't sound sorry at all. "Couldn't help myself. Had to take my mind off that defense."

The conversation turns to football, at least Jensen thinks it does because he's pretty sure they're not talking about him even if they are all still watching avidly. He twists on the couch, embarrassed by all the attention and instinctively trying to turn his hips to the back of the couch. He can't though; has no leverage in this position and Jared can play his whole damn body with the slightest touch and slick of his wrist.

Jared combs his fingers through Jensen's hair. "C'mon Jen, you're okay babe. Just relax, you're okay." He keeps talking, nonsense words that Jensen doesn't catch the half of but the tone of voice is so calm and sure that he closes his eyes and lets himself just drift. He doesn't sleep, just rides out the feel of Jared's hands on him and everyone else's voices kind of fade to the background.

Jared doesn't stop touching him, though he changes tack every few minutes; stroking Jensen's cock with just barely enough pressure, rolling Jensen's balls over his fingers and then abandoning them completely to rub up and don Jensen's thigh. Jensen slits his eyes open just enough to make out the bottom of Jared's jaw, probably focused on the tv for the moment if he's reading the angle of his chin correctly.


Re: FILLED: "Game Day 6/6" Jared in complete control over Jensens life, babying Jensen anonymous May 27 2010, 02:48:55 UTC
Everyone yells out in disappointment, some play gone wrong or a maybe a bad ref call and Jensen closes his eyes again. He'd been looking forward to the game earlier in the week but this, this was way better.

"Think your boy is worn out," he hears over the rabble of the tv sportscasters and their crowd.

"Nah, he's awake." Jared's voice comes out as a deep rumble against Jensen's shoulder, comfortable and reassuring. "He's just fakin'" Jared's hand drifts up from Jensen's thigh and Jensen should've probably seen this coming but he doesn't because he's just too relaxed to care - Jared pinches his nipple between two fingers and gives it a quick twist.

Jensen's eyelids fly open and his hand flies up to rub at his sore chest. "Shitfuck," he swears and favors Jared with an accusing pout.

Jared, to his benefit, does look a little bit contrite. "Sorry, you just looked like you were losing interest." Jared bats his hand away from his chest. "Aw, lemme take a look."

He leans down and kisses it, laving it with his tongue and then pulling the nub between his lips and sucking gently. The hurt is long gone by the time he stops, and Jensen is fully hard again at all the attention - dick leaking a little bit against his stomach and he doesn't dare close his eyes to try and hide away this time.

Jared finally leans back and takes a long pull from his beer before switching it to his other hand and resting the bottom of the ice cold bottle right up against Jensen's skin. It feels good, the cold easing away the last of the sting and refreshing counterpoint to the overheated room - too many bodies expending too much energy in one room and even completely naked Jensen is warm.

He cranes his head up, enticed by the chill of the bottle and the faint smell of hops. Jared tips it just enough for Jensen to wrap his lips around the neck of the bottle and take a few sips. It's probably all he'll get; Jared is a stickler about drinking when they have work tomorrow and as much as Jensen'll bitch about it, it sure makes waking up on Monday morning a lot easier.

Jensen leans back and licks his lips, taste of beer on his tongue and the chatter of the sports commentators on the tv, Jared's hand stroking down over his stomach and it's almost, almost, like a perfectly normal Sunday.

But better.


Tagged! spnkinkpentamod May 27 2010, 05:15:35 UTC


Thank you! :) anonymous May 27 2010, 16:28:38 UTC
That was brilliant! Loved it. The only "complaint" - the story should have novel-length, lol!200 pages of Jared babying Jensen...*dreams*


Wow. That was hot! anonymous May 29 2010, 07:59:13 UTC
Such a sexy piece you have written there!


Re: FILLED: "Game Day 6/6" Jared in complete control over Jensens life, babying Jensen anonymous June 6 2010, 20:40:37 UTC
Oh man, this was insanely hot. Thanks so much for writing!


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