Episode-Related Recs (Sam in the Show)

Aug 04, 2009 12:31

Title: Blind Faith
Author/Artist: Emma15
Rating: PG
Length/Word Count: 1544 words
Warnings/Spoilers: None
Summary: Sam wants to clear the air and this is as good a place as any to start. Post "Long Distance Call"
Reccer's Comments: It's a very sweet and very in character conversations between the brothers.

Title: Slow Poison
Author/Artist: K Hanna Korossy
Rating: T
Length/Word Count: 4500 words
Warnings/Spoilers: Kleenex at hand
Summary: Mystery Spot missing day: The taco wasn't funny at all
Reccer's Comments: Wonderful and heartaching view of one of the many Dean deaths that Sam had to go through

Title: 20 Random Facts About Sam Winchester
Author/Artist: mimblexwimble
Rating: PG-13
Length/Word Count: 2200 words
Warnings/Spoilers: spoilers through the end of season 4
Summary: Sam is an accidental baby.
Reccer's Comments: This is an odd format, but it works; and it binds together Sam's experience in a formal, almost academic style that still carries the emotional weight of his life. Nicely written.
Reccer's Caveats: Very brief, non-explicit reference to Sam/Jess, Sam/Ruby.

Title: Till the Tree Could Bear No More
Author/Artist: Skysalla but she doesn't have this fic posted there yet.
Rating: K+
Length/Word Count: 1095
Warnings/Spoilers: “On the Head of a Pin”
Summary: Missing Scene: 4.16 On the Head of a Pin. Sam had known Dean wasn’t strong enough.
Reccer's Comments: Well written, intelligent and heartbreaking. This look into Sam's thoughts and emotions is both wonderful and horrible at the same time. His descent into the dark is treated with heart as well as compassion.

Title: Who We Are Instead
Author/Artist: sunrize83
Rating: PG-13
Length/Word Count: 3821
Warnings/Spoilers: Set toward the end of Jump the Shark
Summary: Everything that made his little brother good and real and Sam was slipping away. And the more he tightened his grip, tried to hold on, the more Sam slipped through his fingers.
Reccer's Comments: This is Dean's POV, but it's about Sam. It's about how Sam is and was and might be now, and how Dean doesn't know how it got to this. Lovely, desperate, hurty work.

Title: Good Intentions
Author/Artist: tahirire
Rating: R (for language)
Length/Word Count: 881 words
Warnings/Spoilers: Spoilers for "Yellow Fever"
Summary: Sam swore he was done.
Reccer's Comments: This is Sam's pov on the scene where Dean hallucinates Sam being possessed (plus a bit of other stuff). Very interesting and very well done.

A great big bowl of fluffy delicious thanks to this week's rec contributors: starrylizard, keerawa, chiiyo86, ficwriter1966, sunshineclouds, izhilzha, saberivojo, adrenalineshots, ariadnes_string, dotfic, superbadgirl, alphabet26, fish_echo, elerimc, mimblexwimble, mymuseandi, paxlux, shescheeky, and maychorian.

Help us keep the gen love going! Rec, rec away at the current rec sub post. This week's theme: Delight in Dean.

Current progress: 33/50

author: s, author: t, rating: pg13, recs: episode-related, recs: tags/codas/missing scenes, rating: pg, theme: celebrating sam, rec post, author: e, length: 1000-3000, length: 100-1000, author: m, rating: r, author: k, length: 3000-5000

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