Closing: Potions and Amulets

Sep 09, 2008 00:22

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that only a few days ago, I promised we wouldn't be late again with the challenge closing. And you're thinking that maybe my word is no longer trustworthy. But let me say--it totally wasn't my fault. Don't look at me like that.

In good news, the extra time meant there were many more stories posted, and seriously, this challenge brought an extra special helping of awesome. If you haven't already read them, I recommend you check them out. You can find them in memories here, or in tags here.

And now, after much delay, I declare The Potions and Amulets challenge closed! Thank you all for playing. I will have a new challenge up in a bit.

Do I really need to make an argument for why you should comment to this post with challenge ideas? Surely, our performance over the last couple of weeks speaks for itself? Leave it to us to come up with the ideas, and pretty much the only thing I can guaranttee is that it won't be done on time. So, you know, help a girl out, please?

potions and amulets, * mod posts

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