Title: This is so Stupid
Rating: PG-13 for a bit of language
Warnings: Nawww, pretty tame
Disclaimer: It hurts, but they aren't mine
Spoilers: None really, just hints of Dean's deal
Summary: Just a day in the life
Notes: Written for the “out with the old and in with the new” flashfic challenge at
You can’t believe you’re here. This is so stupid. There is nothing wrong with the way they are, were, whatever. Nothing. You could have gone on with them like that for a hundred years. Or at least a hundred days, which was all the time you have left anyway, which just makes this all the more stupid. But Sam’s insisting. Not just insisting, he’s whimpering in that big eyed kitten Sammy way, when he’s really really close to crying. Jesus your brother is such a girl.
“Sam, this is stupid.” You insist. You use that voice that’s just a degree less than your all business voice. You should have used your all business voice, because he’s not having any of it.
“Dean. This is important. You need this.” He’s a fucking brick wall in these moods. A pink brick, mushy girl wall.
“I don’t need this.” You don’t. With everything coming, this is the absolute last fucking thing you need and he needs to start accepting it. Stop acting like there’s a future. Stop wasting time on this bullshit. You don’t need it. But then you see his face. His tense jaw and you can practically see the lump in his throat growing by the second and goddammit, he wins. You’ll play along, because you’ve never been able to stand that pain. His pain. Yours always seemed to pale in comparison, didn’t it? And it’s not like this will suck less if you just pretend, or want it to be true, or hope for it, or whatever the fuck. But damned if you’ll just let him win. “C’mon, Sam. The old ones are fine.”
“Just try on the damn boots, Dean.”