Title: Quite as high as it used to
irnanSummary: "Dude, you gotta update your cassette tape collection. It's the greatest hits of mullet rock!"
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre: Gen
Disclaimer: Yes, yes. *waves hand irritably*
Word Count: 182. Such is my belief, anyway.
Challenge: Something new!
AN: You guys have hooked me on these. At least you know who to blame. Title is actually from 3 am, not How far.
“The way I see it, you owe me a favour,” Sam says calmly, refusing to budge.
Dean looks furious. “Favours are one thing, Sam. You’re asking me to… to…”
“Put a CD player in the Impala,” Sam repeats his request. "I've just saved your immortal soul, it's the least you can do."
Nevertheless, Dean’s face twists like the very words hurt his ears.
“Never!” he declares.
Two weeks later, Sam wakes up at three a.m. to find the motel room otherwise empty. Dean, it transpires, is sitting in the Impala, glaring ferociously at the brand-new CD player. When Sam slips in beside him, he waves a disgusted hand at it.
“This is good,” he says in the tones of an architect who’s just discovered he’s wasted two years of his life renovating a historical building the city council now wants pulled down.
For a moment, Sam doesn’t understand what he’s talking about. Then it dawns on him; drifting out of the speakers is the quick heavy beat of Matchbox 20.
It’s not until Dean adds, “You’re still replacing all my Zeppelin tapes, though,” that Sam starts to laugh.