
Oct 24, 2011 12:14

Playing a fangirl is tough, guys.

But in order to encourage the crack, I would love for Becky to know your fandoms to be able to properly have her character fawn all over you for being real!

Sorry, SUPERNATURAL characters: if you're in any episode from season 1-3, or were mentioned in the season 5 episodes there she was in, you're already 4th walled. Sorry... but not really. :) Anyone from any other season can add if you want to be known.


Becky is a 25 year old fangirl who obsesses over particular fantasy and sci-fi fandoms. I'm pulling her from Fall of 2009. Any tv show, movie, or book series with a large number of fans that was aired or released during this time is up for grabs.

These are the ones that I'm familiar enough with to 4th Wall with ease:

Star Wars - all 6 movies and books published through end of the NJO era
Twilight - enough only to make fun of it and know the fandom trends
Harry Potter
Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Anything else, just comment that you don't mind the 4th Walling and I can research and learn enough about to decide if she would have been interested and 4th Wall it :)

I do ask that if you are an Anime muse, please understand I probably will not have her know your fandom just because her attention would only go so far as to the Sci-Fi and Fantasy trends, plus running her Supernatural website, that she wouldn't have time to get into anime. I can have her know the basic gist, but she wouldn't be fangirling all over it. :(

So you say she knows that she knows these fandoms already, why a permission post?

Because I actually don't want to 4th Wall your character unless you are comfortable with it and it won't screw with your character's world. Hence why I want to ask you to comment below to let me know. I'm going to have threads for particular games, so if you are in that game, tag under that thread. That way it'll only be vaild for that specific game only. Otherwise comment under the general knowledge and she will fangirl you in any game that they may be in together.

EDIT: What if one person in my fandom wants to be know, but another doesn't

If they make it known to me that they do NOT want to be known, I will either make sure they never run into the person, mention them, or have a replacement person entered if really needed. The later of them would make it awkward, so I would probably just never mention them and not recognize them if she runs into the person. I'll ask you what you'd like just to make sure we stay on the same page.

Thanks guys!

permission post

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