application} counted stars

Oct 22, 2011 12:46

Player Information:

Name or Handle: Alison Sky

LJ: alison_sky
AIM/ MSN / Plurk name: AIM = alisonsky21 / Plurk - alisonsky
Any current characters here?: none

Character Information:

Character Name: Becky Rosen
Age: 25
Canon: Supernatural. Being pulled from episode 5.09 - The Real Ghostbusters; just before the LARP’ing starts.

Appearance: Becky is a petite blonde with long hair, green eyes, and freckles on her nose. She tends to wear clothing in layers, looking more like a nerd than anything with sexual attractiveness.

Personality: Becky is very excitable and she lets her emotions show, usually to the extremes. She is the ultimate fan-girl, surrounding herself in her obsession. In this case, that obsession is currently Supernatural, starring Sam and Dean Winchester. She is a Sam girl, for the record.

Becky does not know what it is to be shy, either. There is nothing shy or reserved in her body at all. She will bluntly state what she thinks, not caring to choose her words wisely. One of the first things she told Sam when meeting him was just how firm he was.

Becky is also very loyal. Once you make her as a friend, she will be your friend for life - well, unless you say something bad about her obsessions and then watch out for the backlash. Again, emotional extremes come into play. She is very protective of her friends and her fandoms that she obsesses over. She will defend them to the death.

She is also very well-read, and has a good memory of things that she’s read. If she’s caught up in the subject, she will try and find everything and anything relating to the subject. It makes her a good fountain of knowledge for information, but the bad part is that it will get twisted a bit from her personal point of view on the subjects.

Her perception of reality is a bit skewed, believing that fantasy and sci-fi *IS* real. Knowing that her favorite book series, Supernatural, is based off real events didn’t help discourage her in this. Becky may not have run against anything supernatural, but oh the things she can tell you about the monsters in the dark. Coming into the well known and popular Star Wars universe isn’t going to help this much either.

She’s also spoiled, and will do whatever she can to get what she wants. That includes trying to sweet talk her way into areas she’s not supposed to be, looking at other people’s phones/computers/datapads, sending messages from other people’s pads to not let them know it was from her, and physically drag people along without asking if they want to go.

And once she discovers how to make her own page on the holonet... Sam and Dean better watch out.

If you are apping a character arriving from another game: N/A

Background: Becky is a minor character in Supernatural and does not have a lot of background, as you can see from her wikilink: .

Special Abilities or Weapons: Does finding slash in any male friendship count as a special ability?

Sect: Civilian

Job: None. God help whoever employs her...


First Person: Oh, this is kinky. Not in the kinky kind of way that involves funny masks and spiked collars. But still, how did you know I was writing a story that took place here, and brought me right to my world.

[give the blonde girl on the video screen three seconds, and then her eyes widen]

Oh. My. God. Seriously? This world is real too?! HOW TOTALLY AWESOME!!!!

[naked girl does not really care that she’s naked as she runs to look out the window at Coruscant]

So what am I supposed to do now? Do I get my own droid? Oh, can I be a Jedi? I totally want to be a Jedi and have a lightsaber and join up with the Solo twins and have cool adventures with them. I mean, when in France...

[bouncy naked blonde runs back to the device, then sobers and gets serious as she bends over a bit.]

Okay, I need to do this right. [clears throat] Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You’re my only hope.

[and then she reaches over and cuts the feed.]

Third Person:

Sam Winchester had to see this.

That was the basic thought that ran through Becky’s brain as she watched Chuck talking on the phone. Of course he would have Sam’s number on that phone. He had to. Chuck knew everything about them, after all.

She could just ask Chuck to invite them - but something told her that he wouldn’t. The poor guy already looked like he was about to have heart attack. Why he was freaking out over all this anyway? All these people were here to show him how much his books meant to them. He should be proud of all this. Sam and Dean would be. They would totally love seeing all these people wanting to know more about them.

So she waited, watching Chuck like a hawk. It was easy, really, since they were sharing a room to bring down expenses. When he was done with his call, he announced he was going to grab a quick shower before the “torture” began. She just rolled her eyes, then waited.

When the shower was going and she knew she had time, she started to rifle through his pants until she pulled out his cell phone.

“Come on... it has to be... yes!”

Biting her lip, she knew that she couldn’t call. Sam would want Chuck to make the request. But how? What would make Sam Winchester come running straight into her arms...


She started to send a text message, then when she heard the water stop running she finished it, hit send, and shoved the phone back into his pants before he came back out.

“You ready? Great. They’re doing karaoke at the bar tonight. We have to go.”

“Becky... I’m not sure...”

“Come on, it’s going to be awesome!” And she grabbed his arm, dragging him out the door.

Anything Else: I’m also going to make a very likely juncture that being a fanfiction writing, 25 year old fan girl, she would also be a fan or know of the following: Twilight, Harry Potter, Star Wars, Buffy and Angel, as Dean Winchester has often made remarks about these shows in quips. I will not break 4th wall for anyone in these verses without permission. However, for purposes of my own knowledge base, and the fact she’s a Sam’s girl, I think she would have “researched” into the Star Wars universe to understand some of the jokes, and like me, fell in love with the series. I’m going to give her knowledge of the 6 movies, and all the EU books published from 1992-2003. She stopped reading when Anakin was killed, threw the book across the room, and vowed not to read it again. And then kept reading through Destiny’s Way. That was the point in her life where she found out Supernatural and gave up reading the series to focus more on her “boys”. She’s also totally a Jacen girl (dark and sexy all the way), ships Jaina/Zekk, and Janson/Hobbie.

Also, Sam’s mun was the one who enabled me to join, so I’ve already got the OK on the torturing connection to Sam Winchester. Dean/Jacen mun is also aware of her fangirl affections and they have OK’d the stalker. Wanted to make sure they were cool before I put their characters into awkward paths.

And wasn’t there supposed to be something about blue milk here? :)

application, counted stars

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