Title: In His Court
delugedpapercupPairing: Sam/Dean, established relationship
Rating: N/C-17
Word Count: 22,000
Characters: Sam, Dean, Crowley, Castiel, Garth Fitzgerald, Jody Mills, Kevin Tran, Alpha!Vamp, Death, Demon!Bela, Charlie Bradley
Warnings: Non-con, rape, torture, (neither too graphic or detailed), spoilers up to 7.23, and schmoop of course
Summar A Season 8 AU, where Sam regroups after Dean and Cas disappear from the SucroCorp lab, enlists the aid of his remaining allies; and desperate to rescue Dean from Purgatory makes a deal with Crowley which turns out to have a much higher price than he’s anticipated. But when it comes to saving Dean, there is no cost too high for Sam. How far would you go to save the one you love?
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