Title: Crusaders 3: A Family Affair
jbadgrPairing(s): Gen with background het (Crusader!Dean/Joanna, offscreen Modern!Dean/OFC, Sam/Jess, John/Mary)
Word Count: 22,943 plus notes
Rating: PG-13
Note: Sequel to
Crusaders and
Crusaders 2: Trial by Ordeal.
Summary: After the massacre in Carthage, Missouri, Gabriel and Castiel decided the best way to thwart the Apocalypse was to take the Colt back in time to 1147 and help Dean of Winchester and Brother Samuel of Rievaulx kill Azazel during the Second Crusade. Afterward, they returned to the future to give modern-day Sam and Dean the best normal life they could hope for. But when Meg nearly gets the better of them in 2005, Chronos decides to intervene, throwing two nearly-identical sets of brothers into a race against time. They're determined to ensure that "what was" remains "what shall never be"--but is Gabriel right that some things never change?
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